Fake Impeachment Trial of Trump is Ongoing

Originally published at: Fake Impeachment Trial of Trump is Ongoing | Infostormer.com

This bizarre and very fake impeachment trial of Donald Trump is ongoing right now. I haven’t been paying attention to it as I have better things to do with my time. Hell, I barely have time to post articles and blog right now because of how fucked up everything has become. But it is something that is happening and I just wanted to mention how retarded the whole thing is.

Trump is literally being impeached for allegedly inciting the storming of the Capitol that took place last month. He is on trial for this despite the fact that the two main groups being charged in the event, the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers were literally being led by FBI informants. This has come out over the past few weeks. So the FBI orchestrated much of what happened and is blaming Trump and his supporters for crimes they orchestrated.

The trial is not even being presided over by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court which is required by the Constitution. And sure, John Roberts is a piece of shit who seems to have an affinity for pizza, but him not presiding over the trial invalidates the entire process.

The whole thing is a circus. The fact that six Republicans claimed it was constitutional is an outright absurdity.

At least Nick Fuentes got some exposure during it.

Hello, based department? pic.twitter.com/y80r9kuuif

— The Daily Groyper (@DailyGroyper) February 10, 2021

Outside of that, this whole thing is a bunch of bullshit and shows how the people in Washington DC do not give a single fuck about you. These people hate you and want you dead. This country has lots of problems and instead of trying to solve them they are focusing in on impeaching a man who was wrongly removed from office through a fraudulent election.

This country is doomed. Hopefully we see the American ZOG empire collapse peacefully like the Soviet Union did. I think that’s the absolute best we can hope for at this point.


This is your chance Trump get back in the spotlight and go on every interview you can!
Denounce this horse shit!
But where the hell are you? We need you!
I thought you liked to be on TV

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In some respects, him not being in the spotlight has created a media vacuum and is causing these people to flounder.

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