Failed Loser Mitt Romney Pens WaPo Op-Ed Attacking Trump

Originally published at: Failed Loser Mitt Romney Pens WaPo Op-Ed Attacking Trump |

The failed loser and all around goofy asshole Mitt Romney has just penned an op-ed in the Washington Post attacking President Trump on all fronts. He hasn’t even been sworn into his Senate seat and he’s already launching attacks.

He listed a long list of complaints but it was basically him whining about how President Trump didn’t want to do endless wars for Jews, how globalism is good and that Trump is a racist, divisive individual. He gets into more specifics but that’s the basic gist. It is essentially a regurgitation of all the cuck bullshit that caused people like Jeff Flake and Bob Corker to retire from politics.

This political brand has been rejected by the Republican Party that Trump now leads. The only reason Romney won a Senate seat is because he’s a Mormon and ran in Utah. This man could not have won office anywhere else largely because he’s such an unlikable and fake individual.

Basically, the op-ed reads like Romney is getting ready to either launch a primary run against Trump or an independent campaign for President. But he had his chance in 2012 and lost a very winnable race.

Brad Parscale who is Trump’s 2020 campaign manager put it best.

Trump responded with the following tweet.

And Trump is 100 percent right. This guy is acting like a selfish asshole. Instead of looking out for the interests of the country he’s focusing in on advancing his own personal role in politics. It’s incredibly disgusting.

Even if Romney doesn’t launch a campaign for President, we’ll be seeing him all over the Jewish news programs as their favorite anti-Trump Republican. He’ll undoubtedly be taking over John McCain’s role.


here’s what i said about pos Mitt:

Romney pretends to be mad at Trump for vowing to pull out of Syria but this is just a small part of his problem with, Trump. the warmonger, necon turd cannot say the real reason for his latest attack on The President. sure, Romney is angry about the prospect of peace in The Mid-East but his main concern is the dismantling of the beloved globalist cabal that was entrenched in every aspect of our government.

Trump made a HUGE power-play at The Bush Funeral by delivering letters to select attendees which caused Jebby and Creepy Uncle Joe to go into a state of shock. Trump knows that if he doesn’t go on the offensive The Swamp will destroy him and has finally acted decisively in this regard which is drawing the ire of his reptilian foes.

when Romney and others recently attacked Trump they speak in nonsense generalities not to any specifics of Trump’s policies. Harry Reid blasted Trump as “Amoral, Has No Conscience” when in-fact just the opposite is true. Trump’s personal life aside, he’s doing some incredible things to protect kids from sexual predators which was never previously addressed at a presidential level. this is because many of the sexual predator pedophiles ARE IN CONGRESS and or are associated with The Clintons. tellingly, not one of Trump’s detractors has yet to laud him on this initiative to save kids. bringing troops home from unwinnable, unpopular fake wars used to be a sign of good character but neocon 9/11 filth are angry at Trump for threatening to do just that.

the fact is that The Swamp is being drained behind the scenes and the reptiles are breathing fresh air for the first time in decades causing them to spit linguistic venom using the fake news as an attack platform.

Here’s Romney speaking in generalities about how evil is Trump for FINALLY doing what his supporters wanted him to do all along. his rant is about as specific as Jew-run, Popular Mechanics on the failure of building #7. and make no mistake, these suit-coated monsters all know THE TRUTH about 9/11 and or were involved in one way shape or form and THIS is the crux of their anger at, Trump. they are going down and with their dying breath attack the forces of good.

additionally, Romney is NOT a republican but a RINO religious NUT traitor who was so confident that ‘God’ was going to make him president that it effected his delicate ego and mental stability. when he LOST he can’t blame ‘God’ and so attacks, Trump… Hey Mitty… sometimes The Lord works in very understandable ways.

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Black RNC leader blasts Romney as a traitor.

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Romney is such a smarmy sanctimonious little turncoat. He would do anything to gain any measure of public approval and what passes for respect these days, all in addition to his transparent jealousy of PRESIDENT Trump.

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@mightywhitey tbh I dont think this will turn out the way you think. Don’t set your hopes so high. Cautious optimism. We all know some funky shit happened that day.

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yes, BUT the reason i’m optimistic is because Trump MUST go on the offensive or be destroyed by the swamp. i’m sure that he and his team know this… the other thing are those mystery envelopes delivered to The Swamp Creatures at The Bush Funeral. this was HUGE. Jebby looked like he walked in on his wife blowing Trump and Biden’s jaw dropped as he began looking around at folks to explain the origin on the disturbing letter. you have to watch it on youtube if you haven’t already. lots of vids here: YouTube

and the third thing that gives me hope is that Evil Daddy Bush IS DEAD possibly executed for being a traitor.

the fourth thing that gives me a lot of hope is that a grand jury will soon be seated to review the 9/11 coverup. this is ENORMOUS and IF The Grand Jury does their job the 9/11 can of satanic worms will be opened for the world to see.

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@rmartins VDARE is a good website but do they ever name teh jew?

Not an encouraging sign. Jared Taylor has been published more recently than Kevin MacDonald: