Ex-Military Guy Says Government is Talking With Space Aliens

Originally published at: Ex-Military Guy Says Government is Talking With Space Aliens | Infostormer.com

Pretty much every person pushing this space alien and UFO shit are people who have various connections to the government or military. Take in point this guy who is saying that the government is talking with space aliens and demanding that this information be officially disclosed to the public.

NEW – Tim Gallaudet, Ph.D., retired U.S. Navy Rear Admiral and former NOAA administrator: "It's about time that we do disclose that we are in contact with non-human intelligence." pic.twitter.com/oIgHFENRyy

— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) December 18, 2023

Sorry dude, nobody trusts anything people like you say about this subject. The government has lied about so many things that people just assume when you talk about this space alien shit that they’re being scammed.

This hoax is just one of several hoaxes they are keeping in the background. They’re still pushing COVID-19 nonsense so they have the option to go back to it if the need arises.

It’s all so dumb. These people have zero credibility. If the government and media claim anything crazy or out of the ordinary is happening etc.. you should assume it is a hoax.


Cucker “CIA” Carlson talks about UFOs a lot. Sounds to me like a government scheme to manipulate conspiracy theorists. I doubt the existence of UFOs as visitors from other planets because the nearest such planets would have to be trillions and trillions of miles away. If there really are such things as unexplainable aerial phenomena they could be supernatural entities who have partially materialized into this dimension.


Do they have interpreters or do the aliens speak English?


The aliens speak Ebonics which is why the pentagon wants more Blacks in the military. Unfortunately, the military can’t understand the Black translators.


Good question. It’s all such bullshit. The hoax pushers have had a fake alien invasion on the books for years.


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