Evil Irish Sluts Vote to Legalize the Murder of Their Own Children

Originally published at: Evil Irish Sluts Vote to Legalize the Murder of Their Own Children | Infostormer.com

Ireland held a referendum to repeal the Eighth Amendment to the Irish Constitution which has effectively made abortion illegal in the country. All sorts of evil and immature skanks flew back to Ireland specifically to vote in favor of being able to murder their own children.

And watch this insane video from the Irish Times. Does anybody think that these vapid and idiotic women have the agency to be involved in making such decisions? They’ve been brainwashed by Jews to think that murdering babies is an empowering thing.

The referendum passed overwhelmingly meaning that abortion will be legal in Ireland now.


Ireland has voted by a landslide to liberalize its highly restrictive abortion laws in a referendum that its prime minister called the culmination of a “quiet revolution” in what was one of Europe’s most socially conservative countries.

Voters in the once deeply Catholic nation were estimated to have backed the change by more than two-to-one, according to two exit polls released on Friday evening, and the government plans to bring in legislation by the end of the year.

“It’s incredible. For all the years and years and years we’ve been trying to look after women and not been able to look after women, this means everything,” said Mary Higgins, obstetrician and Together For Yes campaigner.

With results declared in just over half of the 40 voting constituencies, 67 percent backed the proposal. Final results were due later on Saturday.

The fact that women will vote in favor of murdering their own children so they can behave like whores is proof enough that women have no business being involved in politics.

Normally the issue of abortion doesn’t interest me, because it’s something that people get really worked up about, only to wear themselves out with pointless arguing. But the idea of aborting a healthy, unborn Irish baby is TOTALLY unacceptable. This referendum is not an example of a more “progressive” attitude in Ireland, it’s just another example of how ruthlessly aggressive the jews and globalists are in getting their evil agenda pushed through by any means necessary.


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" The English are a significant demographic group to this day. The 1980 census showed that 26.34 percent of the white American population reported English ancestry (49,598,035). German heritage was just behind at 26.14 percent, followed by Irish (21.33 percent), French (6.85 percent), Italian (6.47 percent), and Scottish (4.34 percent). How many readers would have known that French heritage was more common than Italian or Scottish?"

Worth noting is that the Scots are from Ireland, they migrated there 1700yrs ago.

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