Evil Cunt Hillary Clinton Called a War Criminal in Public

Originally published at: https://infostormer.com/evil-cunt-hillary-clinton-called-a-war-criminal-in-public/

Hillary Clinton is suddenly making all sorts of public appearances again. She just did an interview where she said Tucker Carlson was evil for speaking with Vladimir Putin. Now she’s out giving speeches and being called out as the evil cunt war criminal that she is.

Today, she was confronted by a protester before starting her speech at Columbia University. He rightly called her a war criminal and said that she’d burn for her crimes.

NEW – Protester shouts that Hillary Clinton is a "war criminal."pic.twitter.com/n7kcUwjj5s

— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) February 9, 2024

Here’s another angle.

NOW: “You are a war criminal! The people of Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Palestine!"

Protesters interrupt Hillary Clinton multiple times while speaking on a panel at Columbia University. pic.twitter.com/TwXEv6PPfB

— BreakThrough News (@BTnewsroom) February 9, 2024

The protests continued after the first guy was escorted out of the room. They had to temporarily shut down the event because of the protests.

After UN Ambassador Linda Thomas Greenfield took the stage, the event was temporarily shut down after audience members began chanting "Free Palestine": pic.twitter.com/JhYBSkW235

— Aaron Maté (@aaronjmate) February 9, 2024

I’m glad that pieces of shit like Clinton are being confronted like this in public. It is actually insane that these people like her think they can walk around in public and give speeches considering the insane crimes they have been responsible for.

The thing I find weird is why Clinton is suddenly raising her public profile at the same time that the ZOG establishment seems to tearing down Biden. It probably doesn’t mean much, but the timing is definitely curious. Her political brand died in 2016 and I don’t think it can be resurrected, but we do have a very fraudulent and corrupt Jewish system so all sorts of crazy things can happen.


She is still burning up inside that Dump beat her in 2016. She has no chance of ever being president at least I hope not but with the corruption in our govt who knows.

When the guy called her a criminal and she smirked as if to say yes I am but I’ll never go to jail because the two party system is on the same side.


the psychopath cunt is going to again run. Biden won’t make it to the 2024 election.


" you are violating University rules of conduct, you are violating University rules of conduct." No s***.

Where is that zombie robot head when antifa or BLM disrupt?


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