European Soldiers Keep Quitting

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The state of Europe’s militaries is not good. Soldiers keep quitting because they do not want to fight on behalf of a Jewish homosexual empire system. This POLITICO article notes how this is really bad because of the imaginary threat from Russia that they shamelessly promote.

Europe’s soldiers keep quitting, just when NATO needs them.

— POLITICOEurope (@POLITICOEurope) March 19, 2024

Young men in the West have been given no reason to fight and risk their life for their country. What do they get out of it? They’re told that they are evil for existing and have all sorts of feminism and faggotry shoved down their throats. This as their countries have been flooded with niggers and other savages from the third world.

If the Jews want to continue with these stupid wars they will have to fight the wars themselves or get women, homosexuals, trannies and low IQ niggers to do all the dirty work. That’s basically what’s already started to happen which is why we seeing more and more dysfunction in Western militaries.

The next option would be a draft and that would bring a whole new set of problems for the Jews to deal with.


The soldiers are wise and deserving of a better cause. A low IQ is a prerequisite for those willing to fight and die for the Jews.


I do believe that this is part of the plan.
To weaken the military every which way possible.

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Military in Canada is basically a female mercenary outfit. The amount of recruitment effort spent explaining pay, travel, maternity leaves, work/life balance and other benefits is astounding.

Why any man would join, thrive, or be proud to fight for such an outfit is a mystery.

Even Napoleon and Hitler probably had trouble getting enough men to voluntarily sign up for military service. So how much worse must it be now when countries like France and Germany are a friggin’ joke run by jews and other hostile aliens?

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