Epoch Times Blames China for Invasion of America

Originally published at: https://infostormer.com/epoch-times-blames-china-for-invasion-of-america/

Check out this bullshit from the Epoch Times. They are blaming China for the third world invasion of America even though this effort has been totally organized and funded by Jews.

China is “like a boa constrictor that’s tightening and tightening around the United States”.

The Chinese backed super-highway in the Americas seeks to target the U.S. by opening up unprecedented levels of mass migration and expanding trade relations.https://t.co/GyEoGNXSl9

— Epoch Times Print Edition (@EpochTimesPrint) March 22, 2024

There are enormous numbers of Jewish groups funding and promoting mass migration into America and Europe.


Even if you think China is playing some role with this, it is minimal compared to what the Jews are doing.

Hell, look who runs things in Washington DC. The Department of Homeland Security is literally run by a Jew who is doing everything in his power to ensure the floodgates remain open.

All of this anti-China propaganda is getting really tiresome. Especially when it is painfully obvious that the main group of people causing all these problems are Jewish. So let’s deal with the Jews first and if the Chinese are doing something weird we can look at that after the fact.


Once again we see what abject cowards those conservatives truly are. Needless to say they are also controlled by King Kike, no different from the liberals. But at least there are a few ultra-lefties who are not afraid to criticize the Zionist state, which is something conservatives would never do.

It is probably just another Jewish rag.
The news that goes to Epoch Times is probably cleared by the overlords to sound like opposition conspiracy type of stuff:
I’m Not sure which established publication for news is trustworthy anymore.
I never really dreamed of a “bullshit war”, but it is likely one where they can save money by not using actual bullets and use lies and propaganda as a weapon of mass (change that no body really wants) discombobulation,
We are being played like an old banjo.

don’t forget the Xtian groups… Welcoming Migrants and Refugees: A Biblical Ethic of Kinship | The Better Samaritan with Jamie Aten and Kent Annan | Practical ways to do good, better

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