Elon Musk Says Safety Jew Yoel Roth Has "High Integrity"

Originally published at: Elon Musk Says Safety Jew Yoel Roth Has “High Integrity” | Infostormer.com

48 hours ago it looked like we were going to see a return of free speech on to Twitter. Now, I think that prospect is becoming increasingly unlikely.

Look at this exchange between Elon Musk and Liz Wheeler. Liz accurately described the Jew Yoel Roth as a nasty individual who should have been one of the first people fired. Musk said that he supports Yoel and said that he has high integrity.

We’ve all made some questionable tweets, me more than most, but I want to be clear that I support Yoel. My sense is that he has high integrity, and we are all entitled to our political beliefs.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 31, 2022

This is ridiculous. I was promised free speech. Musk said he was a free speech absolutist and now he is supporting this safety Jew who has been responsible for all sorts of censorship and fact check bullshit. He’s also made a number of politically charged statements that show how he is not a suitable person to be in charge of safety and integrity or whatever bullshit he claims to do. It doesn’t even sound like a position that should exist.

I don’t share the same sense. pic.twitter.com/4i2XGyhwIa

— Jason Jones (@jonesville) October 31, 2022

I’m pretty shocked @elonmusk. I’ve given you enough evidence on his wrongdoings. And you still choose to employ him.

This is not the right start to keep this trash.

— Gurbaksh Singh Chahal (@gchahal) October 31, 2022

You can’t have someone who admits he hates 1/2 the country be neutral. Clean house or nothing will really change.

— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) October 31, 2022

This may have been forgotten but Yoel Roth, Twitter’s Head of Site Integrity, was the same guy in charge of fact checking Trump and was the source of lot of politically motivated bans… pic.twitter.com/A5BtzHoOzK

— Kyle Kashuv (@KyleKashuv) October 31, 2022

If Musk doesn’t fire this Jew, it is hard to believe that there will be substantive reforms. Obviously, I hope I am wrong but between this, the announcement of a content moderation council and Musk retweeting Roth banning accounts because LeBron James had his feelings hurts by some people saying the “nigger” word, it is impossible to be optimistic. He’s waffling on everything.

Why spend $44 billion on buying Twitter and not go through with what you promised? I don’t get it. What’s the plan here?


Musk is making the same mistake as Trump by hiring The Swamp.

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All you need to know is right here:

Meet the new boss, same as…

I think I will stick to Gab where I can say “nigger” and “kike” and not have my account suspended or deleted (as on Twitter).


well, this is depressing… They don’t want anyone exposing Jew skullduggery. I’m going to see how long I can keep saying the “J” word before they ban me.


You’re only allowed to say what’s jew approved. The free speech “absolutist” Musk already had his jew bolshevik Roth banned, Nick Fuentes less than 24 hours after making a new account.

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