Durham Report Confirms Russiagate a Total Hoax

Originally published at: Durham Report Confirms Russiagate a Total Hoax | Infostormer.com

The Durham Report is out. It concluded that the investigation into Donald Trump being a Russian agent was a totally fabricated hoax.

NOW – Durham report finds the FBI failed in its responsibility to the public and never should have launched the Trump-Russia probe.pic.twitter.com/uIIQJYVrOS

— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) May 15, 2023

Even the Jew Jake Tapper admitted that it exonerated Donald Trump.

TAPPER: Durham report is "devastating to the FBI and to a degree, it does exonerate Donald Trump." pic.twitter.com/DC30fNpEve

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) May 15, 2023

Trump commented on the report and described how the American people were scammed.

JUST IN – Trump on Durham report: "The American public was scammed, just as it is scammed right now."

— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) May 15, 2023

It says in the report that the whole thing was a conspiracy by Hillary Clinton to manufacture a fake story linking Trump to Russia. The plan was briefed to all the major players in the Barack Obama homosexual regime back in August of 2016 by then CIA Director John Brennan.

🚨BREAKING: According to the Durham Report, the plan by Hillary Clinton to create a false story linking Donald Trump to Russia was briefed in August of 2016 by CIA Director John Brennan to President Obama, VP Biden, AG Loretta Lynch, and FBI Director Comey. pic.twitter.com/r2NvwJyKW8

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) May 15, 2023

🚨 DURHAM REPORT: According to his handwritten notes, CIA Director Brennan subsequently briefed President Obama and other senior national security officials on the intelligence, including the “alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016 of a proposal from one of her… pic.twitter.com/Tfu9l2atSB

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) May 15, 2023

This is basically treason, but nobody will be held accountable for anything. If they do get held criminally liable, I will shit my pants. Looks like I’m not alone in this feeling.

According to the Durham Report, the Clinton campaign came up with the Russian collusion lie… AND it was briefed to Obama, Biden, AG Lynch, and Jim Comey…

So expect absolutely NO ONE to ever go to jail for this because we live in a banana republic with a two-tiered justice…

— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) May 15, 2023

I was saying this whole thing was a hoax throughout 2017 and 2018. Of course, anybody who wasn’t a total retard knew this back then.

This report has been put out years too late and that was no doubt by design. This country is a corrupt joke as this whole sorry set of circumstances proves that fact yet again.

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Not a thing will happen to those involved and they know it. Just more useless hearings.

yes but it kept cowardly, Trump controlled.

Yeah, no shit. It was beyond obvious that this was a witch hunt against Trump with no proof or evidence, just baseless accusations.

Tapper will never admit this, of course:

And, nothing will come of it. Republicans will cuck and cave as they always do. If the parties were reversed, there would be an entire shit show and the Dems would never let go of it.

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