Donald Trump Jr. Suspended From Twitter for "Virus Disinfo"

Originally published at: Donald Trump Jr. Suspended From Twitter for “Virus Disinfo” |

Donald Trump Jr. was just suspended from Twitter for spreading alleged coronavirus disinformation.

Donald Trump Jr.'s Twitter account will have some of its functionality limited for 12 hours after he tweeted a video that ran afoul of Covid-19 misinformation policies, a company spokesperson says

— CNN Breaking News (@cnnbrk) July 28, 2020

This alleged disinformation was just a video clip of doctors talking about hydroxychloroquine. Twitter, Facebook and big tech in general has gone on a rampage banning the clip after it got millions of views.

BREAKING: @Twitter & @jack have suspended @DonaldJTrumpJr for posting a viral video of medical doctors talking about Hydroxychloroquine.

Big Tech is the biggest threat to free expression in America today & they're continuing to engage in open election interference – full stop.

— Andrew Surabian (@Surabees) July 28, 2020

It is utterly insane that these companies are suspending people for posting a video of doctors giving their professional opinion on the coronavirus and possible treatments. But this insanity was allowed to happen because the government did nothing when they mass banned people like myself, the Daily Stormer and others.

They’re private companies and because of this they’re allowed to ban whoever they want some said. Well, these private companies now control much of the important public discourse and they are using this power to interfere in the 2020 election.

Because let’s face facts, if they succeed in getting rid of Trump, they can just flush any of their misdeeds down the memory hole.

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