DOJ Charges Russian Woman for Waging "Information Warfare"

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A Russian woman has just been charged for waging “information warfare” against the United States. All because she is alleged to have posted political views on the Internet commenting on the upcoming midterm election.


The U.S. government on Friday charged a Russian national with playing a key financial role in a Kremlin-backed plan to conduct “information warfare” against the United States, including ongoing attempts to influence next month’s congressional elections.

Elena Alekseevna Khusyaynova, 44, became the first person charged with a crime for attempting to interfere in the 2018 U.S. midterm elections, according to a government official with knowledge of the investigation.


The complaint detailed new examples of Russians using fake personas on social media to stoke divisions over race, gun rights, voter fraud and other contentious issues. Some messages targeted next month's elections, indicating the operation has not been deterred by Mueller's indictments earlier this year.

“This one shows that the threat from Russia is not over,” said Barbara McQuade, a former U.S. Attorney in Michigan. “This is a true propaganda war.”

Using social media and other avenues, the Russians are waging “information warfare against the United States,” to sow distrust in the political system, according to the complaint, which charged Khusyaynova with conspiracy to defraud the United States.

How exactly is it illegal for someone to post opinions on the Internet? It is not a crime for a foreign national to comment on the American electoral process. Such a law would be impossible to enforce and would label every media operation on the planet as a criminal enterprise. And besides, election meddling involves things like actual vote fraud, tampering with voting machines, registering non-citizens to vote etc.. It does not involve random individuals or groups providing commentary or analysis.

Plus, the views that this woman is alleged to have posted are not views that are radically different from what many Americans already believe.

But if we are going to start charging foreigners for posting political views on the Internet, why not start with the Israelis? The Israelis have an enormous lobbying presence in the United States through groups like AIPAC not to mention the corporate Jew-controlled media which are nothing more than Israeli propaganda operations run by Jews. Many of these Jews also have dual-Israeli citizenship or have the option of becoming an Israeli citizen if they choose. One could easily argue that what they are doing is far more harmful to America than anything this Russian woman is alleged to have done. And much of what the Israelis are doing are organized government sanctioned operations.

These charges are a joke. Robert Mueller’s hoax investigation is running out of steam and this is just more proof of it. The fact that they are charging random Russians with “information warfare” for posting views on the Internet is a truly insane thing.

Of course, this is what you get when you have a Jew like Rod Rosenstein who for all intents and purposes is running the Department of Justice.

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but …but…but muh feminism

Of course goy, we need more RodentSteins in the gubbmint reminding us of our privilege and how we are no good evil Patriarchal racists…because we all know how “matriarchy” rules every nonwhite nation.

Unlike Butina, she’s very ugly and kike-looking. If anything she was meddling to make the democrats win.


Butina is a godess by comparison

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this is a show for the cameras to make Trump look tough on, ‘Russia meddling’. and the icing on the cake is that Trumpenheimer just pulled out of the nuclear arms treaty with Russia. they are gearing the moron masses for a ‘holy grail’ war with Russia and China.

the REAL problem however is (as we all know) JEW TROLLS. these hooked-nose filth are all over the internet and infest news sites. when you out them as such they flag your post in unison to get you banned for “anti-semitism”. FAT-ASS Alex Jones banned me for exposing them at infowars before discus pulled the plug. The Goyim’s Guide to Hasbara Trolls from Jonathon Blakeley (March 28, 2016)