Disney World Bans Enthusiastic Donald Trump Supporter

Originally published at: Disney World Bans Enthusiastic Donald Trump Supporter | Infostormer.com

The Jewish company of Disney has decided to ban an enthusiastic Donald Trump supporter from their Disney World theme park. The man was holding up pro-Trump signs and banners around the park and the Disney Jews did not like this.

Fox News:

A man who held up a political sign on a ride at Walt Disney World has been banned from the park for the second time.

Dion Cini shared a photo of himself on Splash Mountain with a large Trump 2020 banner along with a note from the Orange County Sheriff's Office saying he would no longer be allowed on the property, Fox 35 reports.

“Trespassed from all of Walt Disney World properties to include, but not limited to, Theme Parks, Water Parks Resorts and Disney Springs. Conduct not welcome on WDW Property,” the note read.

That's quite the harsh punishment for a patriotic man simply expressing his support for the President of the United States.

It would seem to me that this action by Disney indicates that they are not supportive of America or President Trump’s policies. But once again, not many Jews are supportive of his policies. That’s because they represent the interests of America more so than the interests of the subversive Jewish diaspora that has infested and subverted our country.

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No one ever hassles me when I go to Six Flags and hold up my sign!


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What a great idea- this will get me out of having to go back to Disney w/ the fam again

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And yet they welcome with open arms the rainbow flag waving faggots swishing around with a gay pride day.

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Trump is one of the BIGGEST jew-cock suckers in America so why then do so many jews hate him? He just put more sanctions on Iran, -an enemy of the jews and an impediment to an Israel, Syria land-grab- . he moved the US embassy to Jerusalem. He campaigned on a promise to support Israel. He brags about his “beautiful jew grand-babies”. His “GOOD FRIEND” is the butcher of goyim himself, Larry Silverstein. Jew banksters lent him BILLIONS and then allowed him to default. His son-in-law is a pos jew and HIS DAUGHTER turned Jew… nope, Trump is jewed to the max and beyond… Jews are a conflicted lot…


It’s a little more nuanced than that. Trump’s domestic policies are making many Jews in America uncomfortable. But his pro-Israel foreign policy provides cover for that and has the Jews divided and conflicted over his presidency.

@MightyWhitey My theory is the jews don’t like Trump because they can’t buy, bribe or blackmail him with their shekels the way they can with other political figures. They also don’t like the effect he is having on the goyim.

yeah, we have the warmonger pro-israel jews and the liberal globalist jews who are running our mainstream media. all we hear is the liberal media side of the jew perspective.

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