Did Trump Dog Whistle to us During Hanukkah Speech?

Originally published at: Did Trump Dog Whistle to us During Hanukkah Speech? | Infostormer.com

I haven’t been overly enthusiastic about the things Donald Trump has been doing as of late. While I enjoy his tweets and rhetoric, it has not been backed up with substantive action. There’s still no completed border wall, we have no freedoms on the Internet and the Department of Justice continues to persecute us.

I did however find this little piece in his Hanukkah speech interesting. He appeared to intentionally misspeak by first saying that “fourteen” not “eleven” Jews died in the so-called Pittsburgh synagogue shooting last month. The “mistake” was included in the official White House transcript.

White House:

Five weeks ago, our nation mourned a horrific tragedy. Fourteen — eleven Jewish-Americans were brutally murdered in a sinister anti-Semitic attack on the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh. And we went to see what had happened and to meet some of the people. And they were incredible people. And the way they stood up so bravely, so proudly, was just something very incredible to see. The rabbi was just a great person.

Watch 3:42 into the clip.

It just seemed weird to me that he would mistake the number “eleven” with “fourteen” when mentioning the dead kikes. It almost looked deliberate considering that this was a prepared speech.

The number “fourteen” has of course been a reference to the “fourteen words.”

“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children."

Maybe it isn’t anything at all, but the Jews have previously written articles speculating about the Trump administration engaging in so-called Neo-Nazi dog whistles.

Take for instance this article from the Jewish Daily Forward that explored the possibility of a border security document containing Nazi numerical references.

And look, I don’t know if this was an intentional dog whistle or not, but it was certainly a strange thing. We can only hope that it was a dog whistle because I really want something done about these filthy kikes.

Trump has to see that he’s getting fucked over by kikes every which way he looks. He’s being sabotaged by Jews in the media and by Jews in his own administration. Even his former kike lawyer has gone against him. All this kiking would be more than enough to make any grown man go full 1488.


I don’t know who said it first but with kikes you lose. They don’t play fair. They lie and cheat. Talk shit behind your back and try to influence dindus into attacking us. I am a good goy who plays by the rules so I can never win. I will be swindled or robbed.


That is a weird mistake.

Could it be a Bible reference?


It’s funny when they call us the conspiracy theorists (they demonised the term) but then they write articles like that one about numbers 14 and 88.

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Trump is a GD fool… i don’t trust ANYONE who sells his own daughter to a jew. The Kushners are rich real estate jews who likely made Trump richer. Ivanka was a dowry, Rosemary’s Baby bride. one has to wonder what the Kushner family did for Trump in return for the goyim pussy.


When we’re looking for meaning in obscure references rather than substantive actions, you know we are not winning.


He knows how they overreact and probably just enjoys fucking with them, like grabbing a dogs tail with one hand and slapping its nose with the other. The dog gets flustered and doesn’t know what to do.

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It is strange that she would have seen anything other than $ in that limp-wristed faggot.


greed is a sickness… she was already a spoiled rich girl. she didn’t need Kushner to impregnate her with demon seed. but you see how easily these greedy people sell-out…

all jews want to fuck whites because they aren’t even attracted to their own ugly race and they are so inbreed that they MUST get goyim genetic code into their bloodline. Ivanka is a real life, Rosemary’s Baby mom…