Deranged Tranny Does Mass Shooting at Iowa School

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Yesterday a deranged tranny/non-binary/gender fluid freak did a mass shooting at an Iowa school.

A sixth grader was killed and five others are wounded after a shooter opened fire at a high school in Iowa, according to local officials.

— The Associated Press (@AP) January 4, 2024

Another TRANS shooter targets a high school, shooting dead a 6th grade student and injuring 5 others.

Dylan Butler who used He/They pronouns and claimed to be ‘Gender-fluid’ went on a shooting rampage at Perry High School, in Iowa killing a 6th grader believed to be aged 11-12…

— Oli London (@OliLondonTV) January 5, 2024

Mass shootings at American schools is just a common thing now. That’s because mental illness has been embraced and even rewarded by this sick and evil Jewish system. They’ve been telling people that they can change their gender if they cut off their dick and other ridiculous absurdities. If you challenge these assertions, you could get fired from your job or harassed by Jewish lawyers calling you a transphobic racist.

Not only is America a multicultural economic slave zone, it is also an open air insane asylum. I have no idea why people want to come to this sick and diseased place. You risk being murdered by an insane trannies and niggers if you come here.


I was wondering why the msm took so long to release the identity of the shooter - so I figured he wasn’t White.

Saw this morning that he is White - but now I know exactly why the identity wasn’t released sooner - the shooter is a tranny… (as are so many others) - THAT information was not released by the msm, giving the impression that this was “yet another shooting by a White Supremacist.”


so she was an ugly girl on testosterone and her tits were chopped-off by some quack doctor or an ugly boy who thinks that he’s a girl? I can’t tell…

It’s common knowledge that hormones have a strong effect on our emotions, so dramatically altering the natural balance is going to cause a lot of violent reactions. Even guys who take steroids often “suffer” from “roid rage” and go nuts attacking people with little provocation. One can only imagine what happens to the mind of a girl who gets shot-up with enough testosterone to mimic male puberty. Or maybe we don’t have to imagine… expect more of this.


According to the internet meme hard times create strong men but I don’t see any of them around yet. We are going to need men of this quality, assuming such men still exist::baby:t6::point_down:t5:


Not a “White” supremacist straight male, not news worthy. You are going to see more of this from these mental rejects. They should be put in mental institutions or euthanized.


Strong White males are now considered animals, Nazis, terrorists, etc. by the jew media and govt and freaks like the one above that chop off their dicks or tits are considered normal today.


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