Der Spiegel "Journalist" Who Faked News Was Given Award by CNN

Originally published at: Der Spiegel “Journalist” Who Faked News Was Given Award by CNN |

What people call “journalism” today is a joke. This story here is more proof of it. Claas Relotius a top “journalist” for the German magazine Der Spiegel has admitted to fabricating many of his big stories. He was even given an award from CNN back in 2014 for his fake news!

Fox News:

The German magazine Der Spiegel revealed Wednesday that one of its top award-winning journalists fabricated many of his articles, inventing characters, sources, and their quotes “on a grand scale” for many years.

Claas Relotius, a reporter and editor, admitted to fabricating parts of at least 14 stories following the magazine’s internal investigation. The publication said the issue “marks a low point in the 70-year history of Der Spiegel.”

“I am sick and I need to get help,” he reportedly told the magazine.

The reporter contributed around 60 articles to Der Spiegel, one of the leading German magazines for investigative reporting. He previously worked for other publications in Europe and won awards such as CNN Journalist of the Year in 2014.

The fabricated articles include a phone interview with the parents of free agent NFL player Colin Kaepernick and a story about an American woman who claims to have volunteered to witness the executions of death row inmates.

Relotius also drew the fury of locals in Fergus Falls, Minn., after spending three weeks in town and fabricating facts, characters and quotes from people in an effort to portray the town in a negative light.

“What happened is beyond what I could have ever imagined: An article titled ‘Where they pray for Trump on Sundays,’ and endless pages of an insulting, if not hilarious, excuse for journalism,” wrote Michele Anderson and Jake Krohn who investigated Relotius’ Der Spiegel article about the town.

Both Anderson and Krohn went on to reveal that the article doesn’t contain any truth except for the town’s population, the average temperature, and names of the businesses or public figures.

Nearly everything else, including a coal plant employee named Neil Becker, who doesn’t actually exist, or quotes from a restaurant employee, who was falsely called the owner of a restaurant and whose son was given a fictional illness, was made up.

At least he is admitting that he is sick and needs help. But the thing is, there are many people just like him who end up in media. That's why we see so many hoaxes and lies published. It's not just the fact that most of these organizations are run or owned by Jews, they have mentally ill and crazy individuals who they employ to carry out their orders. These people will even go so far as to just make up shit up in order to further their career.

I mean, how many stories do we see published in the New York Times or the Washington Post that cite anonymous sources? It’s a good bet that many of these sources don’t even exist. It’s likely that the writers are just making shit up to attack Donald Trump or to promote their political view. They don’t care about accuracy or getting facts correct.

The only reason this website has any audience is directly due to the fact that these assholes in the media are not doing their job properly. Instead of reporting facts, they have exploited their positions to try and manipulate their audience while trying to claim that they are neutral and objective. An increasing number of people have grown wise to this and have stopped taking them seriously.

Unlike these deceivers, I am transparently up front with my political biases. And even though I am far from perfect, I know I have a far better track record of checking facts and reporting truthful information than anything you see in the Jewish news media.

And if none of this were true, we wouldn’t have seen a major effort from the CNN’s of the world demanding that alternative media operations be banned off the Internet.


or so called, “experts”… NPR has no shortage of them on staff…


Kind of like how jew serpent Mortimer “greenberg” Sackler gets to become labelled a “philanthropist” for addicting tens of millions of people to oxycodone…such nice “people” …


CNN is not known as fake news for nothing.

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He looks like a soulless ginger


I love the infostormer forum. I am here nearly everyday.


me too man. I had to get back on as soon as, after the shutting down. :slight_smile:


lol… yeah, and if you are a millionaire or a billionaire they address you as such. from now on i’m going to demand that they preface my name with “thousandaire”. that word isn’t even in the lexicon. lol…but i used to be a “hundredaire” so i’m making gains.