Democrats to Impeach the Orange Man This Week

Originally published at: Democrats to Impeach the Orange Man This Week |

It looks like the Democrats are going to go through with impeaching the orange man this week.

This week, the House will consider articles of impeachment against President Trump.

His conduct and criminality have been a disgrace to his office—as has Congressional Republicans’ willingness to provide him cover.

It’s time to restore integrity to the Oval Office.

— Julián Castro (@JulianCastro) December 17, 2019

The Democrats are basically committing political suicide by going forward with it. The people do not support this move at all. The entire impeachment sham has been orchestrated and promoted by Jews and there is no substance behind any of it. Even though the American people are generally stupid, they aren’t so stupid as to buy an endless parade of hoaxes and lies.

Look what happened to Elissa Slotkin a Democrat at a town hall who is supporting impeachment in a district that the orange man carried easily in 2016. She was shouted down by a group of very angry constituents with many calling for her to be removed from office.

To get into office, Elissa Slotkin told voters, "In order to actually get things done, we do need to buckle down and often reach across the aisle."

The only thing she's "buckled down" on is baseless impeachment

And voters are letting her hear

— Elizabeth Harrington (@LizRNC) December 16, 2019

Slotkin put politics above her constituents — overriding the will of the American people for her own political gain.

And Michiganders have had enough.

Her support of impeaching and removing @realDonaldTrump from office will be the end of her political career. #MI08

— Hannah Osantowske (@HOsantowskeMI) December 16, 2019

Democrat Rep. Elise Slotkin is putting her personal politics ahead of the will of her constituents.

Voters will hold her accountable in 2020.

— GOP (@GOP) December 17, 2019

Considering that many swing district Democrats are just going to go along with the party line and vote to impeach, they’re basically forfeiting their Congressional seats.

Even a poll from Jewish CNN shows support for impeachment down by five points along with a huge plunge in support among Democrats.

New @CNN poll exposes sham impeachment as worst political miscalculation ever.

Support for coup keeps dropping.

⬇️Down 5 points nationally since last month
⬇️Down 13 points among DEMOCRATS
⬇️Overall more Americans now oppose Democrats’ sham impeachment

— Tim Murtaugh (@TimMurtaugh) December 17, 2019

The Real Clear Politics average is also showing declining support for this continued circus.

With two new polls added this morning, support for impeachment is officially under water.

— Tom Bevan (@TomBevanRCP) December 16, 2019

Either way, it looks like the Democrats have the votes and are going to impeach the orange man tomorrow. Talk about giving him a political gift. The chances of the Senate convicting him by a two-thirds vote are close to zero. This whole fiasco is an admission by the Democrats that they can’t beat him in the 2020 election.


I was just reading that as many as six Dems may defect to Republicans to hold their seats next election.

As I’ve asked over and over and over,…impeachment based on what???
Hello,…anyone out there with actual impeachable offenses???
Fucking theatrical bullshit by the mentally ill dumbocraps,…
P E R I O D!
Case closed.
Now, can we address the illegal aliens who need to be deported STAT???