Democrats Rage After Mueller's Pitiful Congressional Performance

Originally published at: Democrats Rage After Mueller’s Pitiful Congressional Performance |

One of the most hilarious things about Robert Mueller’s pitiful performance in front of Congress yesterday was the reaction to it from the Democrats and the pundits in the Jew-run news media. These people literally propped up Mueller as a god figure for the past two years only to see him babble incoherently about the Russiagate report that he was allegedly in charge of producing. Upon serious examination, it was clear this man didn’t even know what was in his own report.

The fat bastard Michael Moore raged at Mueller and the people who propped him up.

A frail old man, unable to remember things, stumbling, refusing to answer basic questions…I said it in 2017 and Mueller confirmed it today — All you pundits and moderates and lame Dems who told the public to put their faith in the esteemed Robert Mueller — just STFU from now on

— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) July 24, 2019

Trump must be gloating in ecstasy. Not because of the failure that is Robert Mueller — his Report is still a damning document of crimes by Trump—but because Trump understands the power of the visual, and he understands that the Dems aren’t street fighters and that’s why he’ll win

— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) July 24, 2019

C’mon, fellow Americans! Trump can be beaten. Just because he outwitted the DNC once- & is in the process of trying to do it again- doesn’t mean squat if we, the majority, rise up, get active & inspire a nation to make America the America we want it to be. We know how to do this!

— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) July 24, 2019

Donald Trump liked Moore’s response so much that he even tweeted about it.

Even Michael Moore agrees that the Dems and Mueller blew it!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 24, 2019

The Jew David Axelrod was forced to admit that watching Mueller’s testimony was painful.

This is very, very painful.

— David Axelrod (@davidaxelrod) July 24, 2019

The Jew news media is somehow still trying to claim that the report itself is “damning” for Trump even though it states clearly that there was no conspiracy between him and Russia. However, the optics of Mueller’s stammering and babbling was so bad, that they were left no choice but to admit defeat.

The Jew Chuck Todd on NBC News called the optics a “disaster.”

The Jew Andrea Mitchell talking with Todd admitted that this was the end.

The Jew Jake Tapper admitted that Mueller was unfamiliar with parts of the report and tried to come up with bullshit excuses as to why that was.

Nancy Pelosi also held a bizarre press conference with the Jews Jerrold Nadler and Adam Schiff to talk about Mueller’s testimony. They struggled to explain the ridiculous debacle that everyone witnessed.

The Jew Nadler babbled about how Mueller didn’t exonerate Trump even though it is not the job of a prosecutor to exonerate anyone. That would imply that there is no presumption of innocence. It was just a bunch of Jewish word salad from this kike.

You would think this would be the final nail in the coffin of this retarded hoax but these people have invested two years of time and energy into this disgusting circus. So based on that, who the hell knows where they are going to try to take the narrative from here.

But what does this fiasco say about the state of our country? It shows that our country is a joke. The fact that the entire country was preoccupied with a bullshit hoax investigation led by a man who appeared to be suffering from some form of dementia is proof of that. Such a thing would not be allowed to happen in a serious country that is being run properly.

I would argue that the reason why our country is not being run properly is because of all these Jews we have running around subverting our systems. Russiagate was a Jewish hoax and everyone needs to understand that.


Hopefully everyone enjoyed the (((theater))) - what’s the next scripted distraction?


as you said before…image


What are the lefties so mad about? Under Drimp’s so-called presidency they have more power than ever. Antifa terrorists do whatever they want while the pigs look the other way, the border with Mexshitco has disintegrated, fags and trannies are being worshipped like living gods, the niggers and beaners attack white folks with impunity, thousands of mentally ill junkies shit, screw and shoot up in the streets of our formerly greatest cities…isn’t this the kind of society they have always dreamed of imposing on us?
