Democrats Partying in Puerto Rico During Government Shutdown

Originally published at: Democrats Partying in Puerto Rico During Government Shutdown |

Over the weekend, a big group of Democrat lawmakers went to Puerto Rico for some event with corporate lobbyists as the partial government shutdown continues. They were basically partying at a luxury resort. The Washington Examiner noted that rooms at the resort they were staying at cost well over $400 a night.

President Trump made a funny statement about the situation this morning.

The optics on this are pretty bad for the Democrats. They’re refusing to negotiate a deal to end the shutdown with President Trump while a large portion of them are in Puerto Rico partying on a beach with lobbyists.

Remember when the Democrat Party was supposed to be against big corporate interests? What a lie that was. They’re all stooges of big corporate donors and do their bidding.

That is a gross picture.

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Oh that motherfucker Menendez! He’s the most corrupt politician from my state. I knew a son of a general contractor company owner that paid him using taxpayer money to win state contracts with that filthy spic politician!

New Jersey is arguably the most corrupt state in the union, but it’s got tough competition:

  • California
  • New York
  • Connecticut
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Q: How do u spell corruption?
A: N-e-w J-e-r-s-e-y

And of course NJ is the butt of such jokes, if u feel like to, Google NJ jokes.

Whoever she is,she’s a solid “would not”.