Delta Airlines is Run by Stupid Niggers

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The dumb niggers at Delta Airlines are telling their employees that they can’t capitalize the first letter of the word WHITE but must capitalize the words brown and black.

Discrimination out in the open by Delta Airlines- they don’t the word “White” capitalized, because they see White people as less-than.

Maybe these airlines should focus on hiring competent pilots and safety procedures rather than spreading anti-White hatred.

Doors flying off…

— Lauren Witzke (@LaurenWitzkeDE) January 12, 2024

The media has been doing this shit for awhile. The Associated Press started doing this type of thing back around 2020 or so.

You may have noticed that some time ago I started typing the word WHITE in all capital letters to mock all this gay shit. I also want to let them know that I am a WHITE supremacist and would have been a member of the KKK had I been born in the late 19th century. I believe that by typing the word WHITE in all capital letters that this makes the point clear.

It is all so petty and dumb. This is why I decided to become a semi-famous Internet Nazi in the 2010s.

I mean, shouldn’t Delta Airlines be primarily concerned with providing affordable and reliable transportation? Why are they paying niggers to come up with dumb and unimaginative internal policies like this? Or is that a question only a Nazi would ask?

I’ll leave you with a kike’s perspective on this situation.

Delta airlines is trending because conservatives don’t understand grammar.

Black, a race, is capitalized. Caucasian m, a race, is capitalized. The word white, a descriptor. is not capitalized.

Imagine being outraged by this.

— Howard ✡. 🟦🇮🇱 (@HowardA_AtLaw) January 12, 2024


Who decided that Black refers to a race but not White or, in the case of Orientals, Yellow? And I thought the jews said that race was a “social construct”? And how often is the word “Caucasian” even used anymore? This all smells like gefilte fish.


It’s not just Delta but many companies and industries are doing the same or similar thing. Whites as a whole have to wake up sooner rather than later if we are to survive.


yes, because a handful of mega-jew-corporations like Blackrock and Vanguard own EVERYTHING.


This Howard Jew guy presents himself as some kind of grammar ‘expert’, yet he puts a period after “descriptor” where it should be a comma.


The word “black” is a common noun and capitalizing it is incorrect. Catering to this stupidity is beyond contemptable.


Whenever I see “White” uncapitalized while “black” is capitalized, I stop reading immediately - and if I’m able (not banned) will call the writer and outlet anti-White and racist in the comments.

This is being done to debase, demoralize and “take White people down a peg or two.”

I had the unfortunate experience of flying with Delta over the past summer - when I saw the plane we were flying on pull up, it looked like it needed to go straight to the junk yard - inside was worse, seats were torn up, threadbare and it was dirty. Family booked me into first class on the return journey and it was just as bad - food was inedible, seats were horrible.

I’ve flown on Spirit and this made Spirit look first class. Horrible experience and I will never fly Delta again.


As a degenerate, criminal race blacks do not deserve capitalization when it comes to their race.

They deserve nothing more than contempt and scorn - and for their violent, worthless race to be eliminated from the earth (same as what Jews want for us Whites).

Two recent examples from the past couple of weeks:


Black/brown is not a race. It is a description. At the same time nigger, although it is commonly thought as, is not a race. Another example of descriptive language, as in “look at those greasy, coal black niggers”. A sentence full of descriptors. If these niggers wanted to truly be accurate they would refer themselves as what they are: Homo Erectus


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