Cuck Shill Michael Knowles Claims Racial Demographics Don't Matter

Originally published at: Cuck Shill Michael Knowles Claims Racial Demographics Don’t Matter |

The cuck shill Michael Knowles who works for the vile Jew Ben Shapiro at the Daily Wire, did a speech the other day. He was asked about the Los Angeles Times article that accurately described how the changing racial demographics of California doomed Republicans from holding political power in the state.

Knowles claimed this couldn’t be accurate because it was a Los Angeles Times report that was referenced. As if that’s an argument. Just because the Los Angeles Times happened to publish a report on this, doesn’t make the information any less true.

He then went on to cite a stupid talking point that was recently used by Charlie Kirk to try and refute the obvious fact that non-Whites largely vote for Democrats. He said that because a few small states with high White populations like New Hampshire and Vermont voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 that this debunks the idea of demographics being destiny.

Knowles is deliberately cherry picking a small subset of data that has no relation to the larger trend. When you look at the broader picture, non-Whites overwhelmingly vote for Democrats.

Just look at the racial breakdown of the 2016 vote.

This one is from the BBC:

Here’s another from Rasmussen:

If demographics weren’t destiny, why are Democrats doing everything they can to flood the country with as many non-Whites as possible? They know that this is the key to their political power. It’s why they endlessly pander to non-Whites.

Knowles and these other cuck shills are being purposefully deceptive with this retarded talking point. We all know Texas is not going to vote for Republicans if the state has a racial demographic that looks like Mexico or Venezuela.

Finally, it’s worth noting that Knowles was also confronted with questions from other groypers during the Q&A portion after his speech. The groypers are making their presence known and that’s a good thing.

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They are controlled opposition, there is no other explanation. And, Ben Shapiro is a JEW, first, last and always. All he cares about is “what’s good for the Jews” - and he knows he has a “trump” card when things get too difficult in the west - as they did in South Africa - Jews fled like cockroaches to Israel and the U.S. (for now).

They’ll head for Israel once they’re done making sure Whites are a minority lorded over by communist, White-hating non-Whites (as in South Africa).

THAT will be our fate, thanks to the likes of the Daily Wire and Shapiro.

He needs to asked in a Q & A session about this - whether he believes the same for Israel, is it OK for Israel to become non-Jewish as long as the “ideology is correct?”

He’s a freaking hypocrite.