COVID-19 Hoax Normalized New State Surveillance Tools

Originally published at: COVID-19 Hoax Normalized New State Surveillance Tools |

When they rolled out the COVID-19 hoax and introduced all these measures to allegedly deal with this hoax, the surveillance and tracking measures they put in place did not go away completely. The Associated Press has admitted this by hilariously claiming that these tools have been used as a way to harass marginalized communities.

“Do you truly believe that when the first wave, this second wave, the 16th wave of the coronavirus is a long-forgotten memory, that these capabilities will not be kept? That these datasets will not be kept?”

Got a lot of flak for that on April 9th, 2020.

— Edward Snowden (@Snowden) December 23, 2022

I talked about this back in early 2020 and was dismissed as paranoid—as is our tradition when someone points to the predictable outcome of a dangerous but popular new trend. Stopping this will be harder, now.

You can watch the original interview here:

— Edward Snowden (@Snowden) December 23, 2022

It isn’t just so-called marginalized communities impacted by this, it is pretty much everybody.

Of course, all of this was obvious to anybody who knew anything about anything when they first rolled all this out.

The virus hoax was used as a way to normalize all sorts of new population controls that could be reintroduced or expanded in the future. While not all of their proposed control and surveillance methods could be sustained, it has set a terrible precedent.

These Great Reset people literally want to limit travel and force people into huge megacities. They want people to spend most of their lives in tiny apartments eating insects and doing drugs while chronically masturbating to virtual reality porn.

Picture a darker and more evil version of THX-1138. That’s the supposed utopia these people have planned for us.

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YES and worse, they plan on getting the subjugated to enforce their edicts. No better example was all the Karens posting on social media to incarcerate the unvaxed. Even our fearless Republican leaders were on-board with the enslavement agenda.
Laughably, POS DeSantis is now calling for a “grand jury investigation” into the Covid hoax despite the fact that he signed forced vaccinations and detentions into law.
Republican Florida Governor DeSantis signs FORCED VACCINATIONS AND QUARANTINES. SEE PAGES 38 AND 39

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