Corporate America Has Been Hiring All Sorts of Colorfuls

Originally published at: Corporate America Has Been Hiring All Sorts of Colorfuls |

Corporate America hasn’t been any sort of merit-based environment for a very long time. The diversity push has made this fact even more obvious. They’ve gone crazy hiring blacks and other random colorfuls after all that stupid Black Lives Matter shit went down.

For the first time, we know if corporate America kept promises to hire more diverse workforces in the wake of the Black Lives Matter protests. Read today's Big Take

— Bloomberg (@business) September 26, 2023

Look at all the niggers they’ve been hiring. They are judging them solely on the color of their skin and not the content of their character.

After BLM, the S&P 100 Added Over 300k Jobs. 23% Were Black Workers

— Freedom Fighter (@Resist1122) September 26, 2023

Following the BLM protests, just 6% of new S&P 100 jobs went to white applicants.

The only way this is possible is if corporations racially discriminated against white applicants.

— Ryan James Girdusky (@RyanGirdusky) September 26, 2023

Seriously, fuck these organizations. Let them choke on all the niggers and shitskins they’ve foolishly decided to hire. This is a big reason why we are seeing an increasing level of dysfunction across this declining country. These companies will eventually collapse or run into serious problems because of this faggotry.

If you work inside a large corporation, you should only do the bare minimum to collect your paycheck and not get fired. You should do that until you find a better job or opportunity. It isn’t like if you work your ass off you’ll be rewarded for it. If you are lucky you might get a small raise that doesn’t even cover the cost of inflation. Plus, your chance for a promotion is slim. They’ll likely promote De’Andre or Habib because of their skin color.

The policy of these corporations is literally this cartoon.



Hiring niggers is why everything in corporate America is fucked up. They’re in 99% of movies and commercials even though they make up 13% of the population. It must suck being “oppressed” and victims" of racism.


I love this! 100% spot on!


So what do all the Muh Free Market Capitalism assholes have to say about this? Are they cool with trillion dollar transnational corporations getting rid of their white male employees and replacing 'em with Patels and Grrrrrl Bosses? Are they happy with the homosexual and transsexual propaganda that those corporations promote? Do they approve of huge financial institutions like Wells Fargo and Bank of America abruptly cancelling the bank accounts of customers whose political views they don’t agree with? Fuck capitalism! Fuck Big Business!:fu:


This is a big problem and I don’t want to work with them… at all.

They’re trying to put us all under chimp rule.


And then it doesn’t even work most the time, and is not profitable, but these idiot Corporations just keep on doing it anyway…

see it’s expected now, all you need to do is watch Nigger felon league or the Stuporbowl, and the coonmercials will tell you that.


it doesn’t matter if the niggers are incompetent. this is just a bump in the road to White slavery. We all know that “diversity” is code speak for discrimination against smart White People but somehow they’re allowed to keep repeating this word like it’s NOT racist.


These corporations think they’re living in their own propaganda TV commercial where there are minimum 2.7 blacks in every group scene.

To virtue signal their cuckery to blm and intention to suck on radiator hoses.

“We will become our commercial”

wow what a great goal.

got a better goal for them try not to be a sellout, coward, and panderer, try not to staff your company with badly behaved imbecile savages, and make people hate working there, or even shopping there.


Corporations unbelievable pandering and submission to jungle negro apes. I am surrounded by this in public at all times.

I have to share an experience yesterday, I went to the Drug Store (a nationwide chain), and guess what. Even though I live in an all-white town where there is zero crime and very little theft, this store now has to lock up all items with anti theft devices, ticking and blinking, on everything. Why? To show niggers that they’re NOT RACIST they have to do this in all areas even though EVERYONE FUCKING KNOWS ITS MOSTLY NIGGERS DOING THE STEALING.


In the store I was forced to listen to some nigger music with this nigger bitch or probably it a white trying to talk like a nigger, pathetic, this song,
“We could puh sum roos down” , the bitch is not even speaking english properly, I am ear raped by this nigger crap, trying to be nigger and country at the same time, who is the stupid bitch that sings this horrible song they are playing in every nationwide corporation store 24/7/365, to force nigger worship on you.
Hey maybe I could get a concert ticket to worship niggers more now that Joe’s Jew puppeteers have lowered the price of concert tickets, I’m sure that wasn’t done to distract with the added bonus of forcing more nigger-loving upon whites. Young impressionable white girls and boys specifically targeted…

When did my race turn into a bunch of nigger loving nigger wanna be’s? Did they really or is it just corporations trying to force that perception on you and make it seem like everyone else is, so you should be too. Just like MTV when I was growing up.

On the way out of this store I was harassed by their new automated security system in a robot voice, I guess is there to keep nigger and homeless from loitering out front and / or stealing shopping carts. “PLEASE BACK AWAY SIR YOU ARE TRESSPASSING WE HAVE YOU ON CAMERA”, no fucking shit, I guess they have just installed it, store was about to close and I guess they had just turned it on and were testing it out.
This really #$@#king happened and is happenning. Chimp-clown world planet of the fucking thieving apes is now reality.

Now Joe and his Jews want to sick the FBI and Zog-bots on you for not loving niggers enough. Who is behind that agenda, I WONDER.


I’d like to add, these anti-theft devices, and automated security system, all just freshly installed, probably in last 2 days.


Walmart was locking-up Negro Hair care products because of obvious reasons. The Niggers sued citing discrimination. Walmart caved.


Pathetic and disgusting.

Walmart was where I first noticed it 3 months ago, mass lockup of items, making you feel like a criminal for doing nothing, have to ask someone to ‘unlock’ everything for you… again it was in a mostly white area with no theft. Now other spineless cuck corporations all have to follow like a trained fucking poodle.


they can’t mention race or they get sued again. Stating the obvious is forbidden.

At Twitter I said “negros are in a permanent state of riot” and they limited my account to read only.


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