Coronavirus "Lambda Variant" Expected to Kill Trillions

Originally published at: Coronavirus “Lambda Variant” Expected to Kill Trillions |

The coronavirus hoax keeps getting dumber and dumber. As expected, the media is claiming that there are different variants of the coronavirus and they are implying that each variant is very deadly and will kill trillions of people. Since nobody believed the bullshit about the “delta variant” they are now pushing this nonsense about a “lambda variant.”

NEW – And here comes "Lambda," a variant that raises concern due to "unusual mutations." Scientists are worried the latest strain, now found in over 30 countries including Australia and the UK, could be more infectious and resistant to vaccines.

— 🚨 (@disclosetv) July 6, 2021

Who the hell believes any of this?

This is literally a hundred times goofier than all those fake Al-Qaeda videos the media promoted in the 2000s. But it is the same concept all designed to scare people into submission.

They’re not even bothering to provide any evidence or information proving that there is a new deadly variant. They are just saying it is true while expecting that the retarded public will believe them.

The good news is that fewer and fewer people are buying the bullshit. The hoax is running out of gas which is why they are looking to bring in new hoaxes to focus on. They’ll have the coronavirus hoax in the background but it won’t be featured nearly as prominently. It looks like they are planning to shift into scaring the public with cyberattacks, climate change bullshit and maybe even a space alien hoax if all else fails.

Also, if you want a laugh, check out the Wiki page for Delta, Lambda, Phi. How much do you want to bet that the next allegedly deadly coronavirus variant will be the Phi variant? No guarantees, but it wouldn’t surprise me.


Whatever happened to having “nothing to fear but fear itself”?

& LOL @ DLP. Life must be really tough for faggots.


The current “Liberal Leftist Variant” is a far greater virus that conclusive scientific evidence demonstrates will only be wiped out with mass lead vaccinations.


Vaxxed Cooking Teacher Drops Dead During Live Stream Cooking Class


Looks like we are headed through the entire Greek alphabet.


I’ll suggest that slope dropped dead from all the babybatter ingested from her days working at bars on Pattaya’s infamous “Walking Street”.
Pretty kewl place 20 years ago. Or so a friend told me.



This variant is much worse than I thought!


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