Congressape Wants to Prosecute People for Making Fun of Her

Originally published at: Congressape Wants to Prosecute People for Making Fun of Her |

A black Congressape from Florida named Frederica Wilson has come out and said that people should be prosecuted if they make fun of her or any other member of Congress on the Internet.

Democrat Rep. Frederica Wilson (FL) says that people who are “making fun of members of Congress” online “should be prosecuted”

— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) July 2, 2019

Talk about a stupid nigger.

We have something in this country called the First Amendment and free political speech but she obviously doesn’t believe or even understand what that concept is. And that’s because she’s a retarded ape who wears fucked up hats.

Seriously, how can any normal White person look at this dumb black bitch and think that she should have any sort of political power in our country?


another affirmative action success story… this negroid took an OATH to “uphold the constitution of the united states” but then does just the opposite. THESE are the people who should be arrested.


The minute you enter the public, expect criticism. Eventually someone will say bad things about me. Will crack a bottle of champagne when I russle enough jimmies to get a Encyclopedia Dramatica page. If you want to change the world, expect to be attacked.



Orange car bad. Orange car jumps train tracks. Blue party jumps sharks


I was a tomboy and had the Hot Wheels Boss Hogg Cadillac. Stupid horns were bent wrong.


like Harry Truman said “if you can not stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen” girl.


imagine the living hell we will be in once these dindu sow feminists gather more and more power…let me guess, when niggers threaten to murder and rape white congressmen or women then arresting violent criminal nignogs won’t fall under these rules.
Why doesn’t this talking silverback gorilliss just ook what it really wants to say…that whitey better not step out of line or else the power hungry , revenge fantasy obsessed negroes in power will use their power to punish whites for slavery.
It doesn’t matter that 99.99% of white Europeans in ZOGmerica never owned slaves and weren’t even in this country during colonial era slavery…

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Just to add, that , if you aren’t being attacked about what you say in this world, you aren’t saying anything that matters.