Congressape Cries "Racism" After Stealing First-Class Seat

Originally published at: Congressape Cries “Racism” After Stealing First-Class Seat |

There are many gorillas who look more human than Sheila Jackson Lee.

Sheila Jackson Lee is one of the most intolerable figures in all of Congress. She's dumb as shit and should be locked up in a zoo cage somewhere. Don't believe me? Just search for some of her speeches. She's a fucking moron.

She’s crying “racism” after someone accused her of stealing a first-class seat on an airplane flight. That’s because niggers can never do anything wrong and if you accuse them of doing something wrong it’s because you are racist. The facts of the situation don’t even matter.

NBC News:

Texas Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee said Tuesday she felt she was targeted by a passenger accusing her of taking her first-class seat on a United Airlines flight “because I was an African American woman” as the airline said she was not given the seat because she is a congresswoman.

Passenger Jean-Marie Simon accused the airline of giving up her first-class seat on a flight earlier this month from Houston to Washington, D.C., to Jackson Lee, a Democrat, in a report in the Houston Chronicle.

“I am disappointed in having to respond to this accusation, but I believe transparency is very important,” Jackson Lee said in a statement posted to her Twitter account on Tuesday.

The longtime lawmaker said she received her boarding pass for her flight on Dec. 18 and “boarded the plane in the normal process.”

We can only speculate as to what really happened here, but I’m sick of these niggers claiming that everything is part of a racist conspiracy. Many of us including myself have become radicalized on racial issues because of never ending shit like this.

The only reason I use racially charged language and insults in my articles is because there is only so much someone can take. Even if you go out of your way to not be racist, they’ll still claim you are a racist. It is utterly retarded, so there’s no point to even try. You might as well just own it and self-identify as a racist. That’s what I do now. If you self-identify as a racist, they can’t attack you for being racist.

Not only that but appeasement has not worked. It has been a massive failure. Calling Blacks apes, monkeys and niggers seems to be the only way to properly deal with this situation.

Just look at that monkey face!

To conclude, Sheila Jackson Lee is a retarded gorilless. She needs to be removed from Congress and put in a zoo. Hopefully she sees this article and cries about it being part of a racist conspiracy.

Sheila Jackson Lee is a freed slave and civil right hero who stood up against The Man’s racist system.

She is entitled to whatever she wants whenever she wants. Anyone who disagrees is a RACIST NAZI.

Good job United!


I heard that the “White” lady who was forced to give up her airplane seat to that Congresscoon was actually a jewess. So for once black privilege trumps jew privilege! 67d9c20770b0cf0ef56bdad1cd582e82


Her last name was Simon so yes there is a good chance the nigger screwed a jewess.


Hmm, I entirely missed the jew vs dindu angle. Nonetheless, the creature did steal the seat and apparently makes a practice of doing this, even having the nerve to claim that she was out “helping people” with especial zeal during the holiday season.

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