Comey Begs Democrats Not to Go Full-Commie

Originally published at: Comey Begs Democrats Not to Go Full-Commie |

Check out this Twitter post from disgraced former FBI Director James Comey. He’s scared that the Democrats are going full-Commie and that this risks their chances in the midterms.

He’s actually not wrong, but they’re not going to listen to him. The base of the party was in the camp of Bernie Sanders in 2016 and they’ve gone even crazier following Donald Trump’s election win.

But what’s really funny is how someone as unethical as Comey thinks he has the right to lecture people about the importance of ethical leadership. This asshole signed off on FISA applications containing false information to justify spying on Trump’s campaign team.

This asshole must have brain damage because he’s unable to see the most obvious hypocrisy in his own statements. What a great day it will be when he’s arrested and thrown in jail.


Comey discussing ethics is like Satan rebuking sin.


Comey is like Pandora trying to slam the lid of the box after all the monsters have escaped.Too late faggot.


The Democrats should absolutely move to the Far Left and embrace socialism. To hell with the old and discredited Joe Biden / Chuck Schumer / Hillary Clinton / Nancy Pelosi generation. And while they are becoming Democratic Socialists, the Republicans can become NATIONAL Socialists!



I believe he means just the opposite, ‘the psychopathic deep creeps’ ‘ALWAYS’ use Double Speak’… Comey means ‘go for it’, ‘go all out.’ How many times do you see them do the opposite of what they say. It is an ‘dark occult’ ritual. ( IMO)



Massive allegations against familiar players linked to numerous other FBI, DOJ and government scandals. But this time the stakes are much larger than a Uranium One scandal. That was millions. This is untold billions.
All this while Comey was Lockheed Martin’s top lawyer.


The shadow government always look after their own. Any normal person would be in prison, these minions of the deep state get off with 15 minutes of shame and million dollar book deals (Bath house Barry scored 11 mill for two books that were ghostwritten for him).


@discustard That’s because those bastards all have dirt on each other - Mutually assured destruction if one of them should happen to talk.


Pretty much a prerequisite for politics, got to have blood on your hands to play the game.

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