Colonel Macgregor Gives Proper State of the Union Response

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The circus freak show that was Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech was the most embarrassing State of the Union speech in American history. You could argue that the bizarre Republican response featuring Alabama Senator Katie Britt was almost as embarrassing. She came off as a total fake and looked like she was going to cry throughout her speech.

Colonel Douglas Macgregor offered the only proper State of the Union response. He gave a serious but short speech describing the many problems America has along with tangible proposals to fix these problems.

Col. Douglas Macgregor offers his State of our Union

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) March 8, 2024

He offered a very sobering assessment by accurately describing economic conditions in America that are similar to what existed in the Soviet Union just prior to its collapse. He touched upon the invasion problem, the stupid wars and other pertinent issues.

The Colonel is one of the few public figures in America who I believe could help rebuild when things collapse. His address is worth watching.


yeah but watch out for MacGregor… He was caught poaching Bugs Bunny’s rabbits in a skirt and then was humiliated at the game of golf.

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Col. Macgregor is one of the last of a dying breed, an intelligent and responsible white male adult. He should have been the one to give the Republican response to Shitpants Joe, not that Crying Cathy. I doubt he would support an overthrow of the current regime though. We are going to need men of superior intelligence and ability who are also exceptionally ruthless.


I always enjoy Col. Macgregor’s remarks because he is something very rare and anachronistic, a highly intelligent and honorable man with a true military mind. With his grasp of reality, I just find it a bit quixotic to think that it is possible or even desirable to preserve the sink of treachery and depravity that is the US.

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I doubt West Point will produce any more men like Col. Macgregor. Ever since the end of the Vietnam War that formerly venerable institution has been turned into a joke by jews, blax, communists and homos.

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