Colby Covington MMA Fighter Dillusional About Trump

I’m really sick of US Military/Trump supporting celebrities and there’s no shortage of them in the UFC. They just don’t fucking get it, blindly supporting the US Military with Hoo-Rah passion that only makes more wars for Israel likely.

Here he is being interviewed by Tucker who BTW just visited, Assange in prison and called anyone who supported his incarceration a “traitor” but somehow forgot to mention Trump in this. Trump planned with pos, Pompeo to MURDER ASSANGE and refused to sign an Assange pardon before he left office. How does Trump keep getting a free pass from these guys?
Trump Betraying Assange:

Anyway: Colby is a YUGE, US Military supporter and thinks that the US tranny/woman army is fighting for America. This has made him a big celeb in the fight world. Insane libs like Rosy O’Donnell despise him. It just highlights the stupidity on both sides of the isle. It’s the same stupidity that gets Conservies all in a tizzy about Satan worshipers. “Satan bad!”… “God Good!” despite both being fictitious characters. I makes me want to go MMA on their faces.

So here’s Colby talking up the evil, corrupt, US Tranny Army and he couldn’t say enough about how Trump loves America and is brave et… It’s almost enough to make me want to physically attack a professional fighter. Not a peep about the baby genocide in Gaza or how these vicious Jews control America but he thinks that Dana White is keeping free speech alive in MMA.

The one good thing is that Colby bashes the crap out of pos, monster-nigger Lebron James. More of this and less mindless Trump supporting…


Maximum Menorah Adoration Champ
Colby Covingstein.

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