Coach Red Pill May Have Been Killed or Captured in Ukraine

Originally published at: Coach Red Pill May Have Been Killed or Captured in Ukraine |

Coach Red Pill aka Gonzalo Lira a YouTuber who was best known in right-wing manosphere circles, was doing reports in Ukraine detailing the brutality of the Jewish occupational government. In the past few days he has gone missing after he claimed that Ukraine’s intelligence services were after him.

He was supposed to make an appearance on George Galloway’s show but missed the appearance which led to the presumption that he had been captured or killed.

So tragic!

We will always honor the memory of Coach Red Pill on the Killstream! 😢

— Ethan Ralph (@TheRalphRetort) April 17, 2022

On top of that, some weirdo tranny who goes by the name Sarah Ashton-Cirillo has publicly claimed credit for Lira’s disappearance. The tranny has apparently been embedded with Ukrainian forces for a good part of this conflict.

The "journalist" embedded w/ Ukrainian forces inside Kharkiv & essentially claiming credit for disappearance of @realGonzaloLira by SBU death squads is also a Nevada Democrat operative who posed as a GOP activist to recruit Proud Boys in apparent bid to turn Trump rallies violent

— Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) April 18, 2022

The tranny is probably some type of CIA asset, but who the hell knows what is going on with this person. The tranny is obviously a very weird and mentally ill person and the fact that Ukrainian forces are letting this deranged person be embedded with them pretty much says all you need to know about these people.

Here’s a photo of said tranny.


Either way, if Ukrainian forces did capture and/or kill Coach Red Pill, it is a very bad look. Lira is from Chile and you probably wouldn’t want to capture and/or kill somebody doing reporting from a neutral country.

I’ve previously joked about how Russians should kill journalists after they were blamed for the death of some journalists earlier on in the conflict. And although I do believe that dishonest journalists absolutely deserve to get killed, Russians are not the ones killing journalists. It is the Ukrainian side that is killing journalists because they’re the ones committing all of the atrocities. They don’t want any coverage of their crimes getting out because it gets in the way of their false narratives which centers around blaming Russia for all the things that they are guilty of.

Even reporters who are on their side are getting targeted. Fox News reporter Benjamin Hall who was severely injured in Ukraine comes to mind. The Ukrainian government blamed the Russians for what happened to him, but he was attacked around Kiev which makes the Russian attack narrative difficult to believe. Especially since all the Ukrainian government has done since the start of the conflict is lie.

Hopefully Coach Red Pill has not been captured or killed by the Ukrainian side, but this is becoming a less likely scenario the more time goes by.


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