CNN Brings on Fat Jewess Bari Weiss as Fake Opposition

Originally published at: CNN Brings on Fat Jewess Bari Weiss as Fake Opposition |

The Jewish-run network of CNN has started to bring on the former Jewish New York Times writer Bari Weiss. She previously quit the NYT complaining that it was too “woke” in an effort to brand herself as some type of centrist figure.

She was on Brian Stelter’s show talking about how the Wuhan lab leak theory and the Hunter Biden laptop story shouldn’t have been suppressed by the media.

Bari Weiss takes CNN to task over corporate media bias, citing efforts to suppress the lab leak theory and Hunter Biden’s laptop

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) October 18, 2021

These are not unreasonable positions but the issues she is focusing in on are at this juncture not very substantive or important. She is being brought on to only talk about safe issues that are not particularly damaging to Jews or all these evil agendas that are being pushed.

Not only is Weiss Jewish but she is a big supporter of Israel and the Zionist project as a whole. She was on Joe Rogan’s show a few years back and made it clear that she was a huge supporter of Israel. She also trashed Tulsi Gabbard for her anti-war position on Syria.

Below are a few clips from her appearance where she gets into these topics.

The appearance revealed that she is not a very smart person. Jimmy Dore tore her to shreds even joking that the appearance was her MSNBC audition tape.

Weiss is just another Jew defending world Jewry and international Zionism. CNN probably figures they can regain credibility by bringing on Weiss to act as some sort of “reasonable” voice that isn’t full on “woke.” I do not believe this strategy is going to be successful. Too many people already know what her deal is.

The right-wingers who are saying that they can’t believe that CNN brought someone on speaking truths, simply don’t understand the Jewish angle to all this. It’s all theatrics.

The fact that Sean Hannity is giving credibility to this Jewish skank says it all.

WEISS SLAMS CNN: Former NYT columnist Bari Weiss put Brian Stelter in his place this weekend! She explained why most Americans feel that "the world has gone mad" and claimed CNN is to blame. TONIGHT on "Hannity," @kayleighmcenany and @StephenM will react.

— Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) October 19, 2021

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