CNN Admits Mar-a-Lago Worth Hundreds of Millions of Dollars

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CNN is suddenly saying that Mar-a-Lago is worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

CNN now admits Mar-a-Lago is worth “hundreds of millions” and not $18M.


— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) March 21, 2024

They were previously claiming it was worth only $18 million to reinforce the lies pushed by the Jewish court system claiming that Donald Trump understated the value of the property. Him allegedly misrepresenting the value was used to claim he committed wrong.

CNN 1 month ago: “Mar-a-Lago is only worth $18 million!”

CNN now: “Trump should sell Mar-a-Lago for $240 million to pay off part of his judgement!”

Somebody PLEASE make it make sense.

— Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) March 21, 2024

Now that Trump might have to sell the property to pay for court imposed fines, they are suddenly admitting its real value which is definitely in the hundreds of millions.

It is just exhausting to see how these people will endlessly lie for the purposes of advancing propaganda and political agendas. Regardless of what you think about Trump, this type of lying and misrepresentation of facts has become the norm inside this corrupt Jewish system. It’s just endless lies about anything and everything.


This entire incident, and others, illustrate with perfect clarity what liars and despicable creatures all of these Jews, Masons, and leftist scum are.

The good news is Trump is not going to pay them a dime. Not now, not ever.


I’m guessing the strategy isn’t so much to force Trump to pay hundreds of millions in court imposed judgements, they just want to keep him permanently tied up with endless legal problems so he will be unable to do anything else, including run for president. At this point I don’t think Trump has enough support to return to power. He’s now close to 80 and worn down by the endless attacks against him. He also turned out to be a massive disappointment as president. So Biden will win a second term by default. And by a somewhat comfortable margin, so the MAGA morons won’t be able to complain about another stolen election.

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