CNN Accused of Scripting Their Town Hall on the School Shooting

Originally published at: CNN Accused of Scripting Their Town Hall on the School Shooting |

Last night’s town hall held by CNN focusing on the Florida school shooting and guns was an enormous joke. As expected, they loaded the audience with anti-gun Communists and teens who asked planted questions. That ridiculous bald dyke spic bitch Emma Gonzalez even made an appearance.

Marco Rubio and Dana Loesch a woman from the National Rifle Association attended. They were subjected to all sorts of hatred and insane comments from people. Both of them held their ground fairly well throughout the event - especially when you consider the circumstances. I was a bit surprised that Rubio held his ground to be honest.

Here Rubio deals with some angry kike who thinks banning guns will bring his kike daughter back from the dead.

And here’s the clip of that bald dyke spic bitch confronting Loesch.

And here’s the full event if you can stomach watching the whole thing.

I think it’s safe to say that this whole event was scripted and staged. There were few people on the side of the Second Amendment represented.

But it’s not just me saying that the event was staged.

One of the students invited to the town hall decided not to attend after they refused to allow him to ask his own question. They instead wanted him to ask a question that they picked for him.

Daily Caller:

CNN reached out directly to The Daily Caller to deny the claim made by a Stoneman Douglas High School shooting survivor in regard to Wednesday night’s gun safety town hall in Florida, but their explanation seems to run contrary to programming featured in that same town hall.

Colton Haab, a JROTC enlistee who has previously spoken with media outlets about how he helped his peers seek shelter during the shooting, did not take part in Wednesday’s event on the grounds that CNN attempted to plant “scripted” questions for him to ask.

This town hall is just more proof that CNN is nothing but a Jew-run anti-American propaganda outlet. There was no attempt at a balanced discussion. The whole point of the town hall was to promote the idea that we have to abolish the Second Amendment. The Jews are using the thought of dead school children to do it. It’s completely crazy.

CNN needs to be taken off the air by the federal government. There’s no reason why the American people should be watching or hearing anything from this subversive organization. How much more fake news, lies and kike propaganda will they be allowed to put out until they’re shut down?


The NRA should never have sent a representative to legitimize this (((Freak Show))). Another reason why I have not given the NRA any money for a long time.DWnW5LGXcAAfhUk

The deputy that was assigned to the school as daily security was fired today while standing outside during the “shooting” due to his inaction- so either

  1. he was instructed to stand down during the shooting or
  2. he chickened out during the shooting

I am not arguing that this shooting happened or did not- my point is that why should we even have cops if they are worthless when it comes to anything more than writing tickets or shooting people’s dogs.