Cinemas Pull Gang-Themed Movie After Birmingham "Youth" Violence

Originally published at: Cinemas Pull Gang-Themed Movie After Birmingham “Youth” Violence |

After a large group of “youths” I mean niggers armed with machetes engaged in a huge brawl outside of a Birmingham movie theater, a couple of British cinema chains have pulled a gang-themed movie from their theaters.


A second cinema chain has pulled the gang-themed film Blue Story after seven police officers were injured during a brawl at an entertainment complex.

It comes after youths reportedly with machetes sparked a police operation at the Star City multiplex in Birmingham.

Vue has banned the film from its 91 UK and Ireland venues and Showcase has also dropped the movie.

The move has prompted a backlash on social media with some labelling the ban as “racist”.

Five teenagers including a girl, 13, were arrested in connection with the disturbance, which involved up to 100 young people in a public area of the multiplex, on Saturday night.

In a statement, Vue said the film opened in 60 of its sites across the UK and Ireland on Friday.

“But during the first 24 hours of the film over 25 significant incidents were reported and escalated to senior management in 16 separate cinemas,” it said.

Pretty funny that people are accusing the cinemas of racism for pulling a movie that was more likely to be attended by niggers.

But how about we talk about the real problem. That real problem being the fact that niggers and other colorful individuals are running around attacking people with machetes. But no, focusing in the allegedly hateful actions of a movie chain pulling a movie is somehow more important.

The insanity of this can not be understated. If the media would just report the objective reality of what’s going on, these obvious problems could easily be fixed.


Unfortunately,What was once the industrial heartland of England,has been lost for some time now to gangs of savages.its total mud city.just another"diversity is our strength" event.nothing to see here.All jokes aside though it makes me furious as people are getting ready to vote in another pointless election while totally acceping to be unarmed and helpless,as is the cuck island way, while the streets are getting more dangerous by the week with waves of mudd runing amok😬. unfortunately many whites in this country are also taking part in this thug\gang\nigger culture as well, wearing hoods ,dealing dope and terrorising’s heartbreaking


Here we have exactly the same problem in Sweden, their PM is a complete idiot.