China's Xi Calls for the Mass Production of Robots by 2025

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In America, boomer politicians decided that we needed to spend the past several decades fighting Jewish wars to defend a Zionist terror state while forcing legalized gay sex and trannies on the world. Giving unqualified women and diverse niggers jobs they were incapable of doing was also another top priority of these people. In the meantime, China chose a different approach. They spent this time using their resources to develop their own country, build infrastructure and invest in new technologies.

China is now at a point where they are getting ready to mass produce robots for a wide variety of practical purposes. Xi wants mass production of these robots to begin next year.

NEW – Chinese President Xi has called for the mass production of humanoid robots by

— (@disclosetv) February 26, 2024

This is just more proof showing that China and the rest of the world is advancing while the West and the US in particular is seriously degrading. Our cities are filled with homeless niggers, drug addicts and diverse criminals. The future depicted in 1980s science fiction movies like RoboCop almost look like utopias compared to what we have these days.


China and Russia are slowly assuming more and more geopolitical power as the US continues to destroy itself through utterly insane and destructive Jewish policies. We can’t even have robots in American cities because they’d be vandalized and destroyed by niggers.


This is the only good part about The Hood. Xi is going to use these bots to subjugate his people. If you remember Xi went fucking nuts with Covid Hoax lock-downs and continued them way too long. When the chinese people began rioting, The Commie dictator, immediately let life return to normal fearing a full-blown revolution. But when he gets his bots in-place that will all change. The Niggers won’t put up with this bot shit. Good for them.


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