China Warns Tourists About America's Nigger Problem

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China has warned its people about the dangers of traveling to the United States. They warned them specifically about niggers who may shoot or rob them.


The Chinese Embassy in Washington has published a statement warning its citizens about the dangers of travelling to the United States.

The statement, which was posted on the Embassy’s official website, warns travellers to the US that “shooting, robbery, and theft are frequent” and that tourists should “be alert to suspicious people around you.” Travellers were also advised to avoid going out alone at night.

Summer natural disasters and the high cost of medical expenses were also highlighted as risk factors.

The declaration also stated that “American public security is not sufficient.”

America in many places resembles a third world country. There are pockets of lawlessness everywhere. This is largely due to all the brown and black racial minorities that we have around us. It's become enough of a problem where other countries feel compelled to warn their people about what's happening.

And it’s not like China’s travel advisory is wrong. All one has to do is look at places like San Francisco where zombie niggers plague the tourist areas. It shows that we need real law and order restored. But instead of focusing in on fighting real crime, we have all sorts of resources dedicated towards harassing normal people going about their day to day business. This ranges from police who write an unlimited amount of traffic tickets to the harassment people deal with from TSA security at our airports. I’d imagine Chinese tourists coming to America have to deal with all sorts of unreasonable shit from the Customs people.

And if we had sane policies, our law/immigration enforcement would primarily be scrutinizing Moslems. They wouldn’t be scrutinizing Chinese tourists who come to America to spend money. The reason being is that Moslems are many times more likely to blow shit up than Chinese people who just want to visit Mickey Mouse in Disney Land. This is not a difficult concept to understand.

We could certainly use a Rodrigo Duterte styled crackdown in these nigger infested areas. That would at least be a good start.

It’s just unfortunate to see how America has become a very retarded place. It’s going to take awhile to fix this mess and restore common sense. Donald Trump is making some progress on this front, but he’s just one man and there’s so much to fix.


China doesn’t have to worry about PC or diversity classes because for the most part it is made up of Chinese. The jews have been able to gain a stranglehold on them, yet.


As an American it really is embarrassing to have tourists come to MY country and not feel safe, or have to look at a lot of dirty niggers and travel through dangerous ghettos. It is especially embarrassing when those tourists are Orientals, because it makes us Whites look inferior to them.

Niggers…they are the reason we can’t have nice things. :rage:


If the pigs can’t do the job well…


In May I ended up seeing three foreign airports: Frankfort, Changi in Singapore, and Mactan in the Philippines. The Philippines one looked a bit on the small side, but it was kept clean and there everyone appeared to be either staff or travelers so no problems, Changi was like an upscale shopping mall with an elevated train and a long runways, Frankfort goes without saying that the airport was nice, though lots of visible security, Singapore somehow made this security not so obvious. All airport officials I encountered in each place were courteous and friendly.

I arrive back at JFK - the customs agents and TSA, many of whom are minorities of the stupidest sort, are surly and rude. The restrooms are dirty with piss on the toilet seats and the stall doors have broken locks (do nigs and spics have a thing for vandalizing public restroom stall doors?). Naturally, there are no cleaning staff around to keep the restrooms in order (in contrast to Germany and Singapore). Getting from the airport to the Port Authority so I can get the fuck out of Jew York is an ordeal to say the least, and on arrival at the Port Authority - in the afternoon - my first sight is a drunken black vagrant sleeping in his own piss on the floor. There are even an occasional NYPD officer or National Guardsmen (watching for terrorists Goy) but they don’t seem to notice urine-soaked Quan’tavious. Part of me wants to ask the coppers why they don’t expel the bum from the PA, but I’m sure I would be arrested for asking that.


The jiggaboos are just a symptom of the greater societal disease… the Jews…

“Was there any form of filth or shamelessness, particularly in cultural life, without at least one Jew involved in it? If you cut even cautiously into such an abcess, you found—like a maggot in a rotting body often dazzled by the sudden light—a little Jew.”–Mein Kampf



Obviously China is looking out for its own citizens.


There’s one damn thing for sure. The US is simultaneously turning into one big multicultural cesspool, clusterfuck & shithole. By the way, Happy 4th of July. Enjoy it to the max & savor the memories. With the way things are going, it could very well be one of the last before the proverbial shit hits the fan.