Chicago is Colder than Antarctica but Global Warming is Real!

Originally published at: Chicago is Colder than Antarctica but Global Warming is Real! |

If global warming is real, why is Chicago and much of the surrounding area colder than Antarctica? It would seem to me that this proves that global warming is not real and is a hoax.


Wednesday is looking like one of the coldest days ever on record in Chicago, with the high temperature expected to be 12 degrees below zero, which would be colder than some of the most frigid places on earth.

For example the South Pole is expected to reach a high temperature of 4 below zero on Wednesday. Barrow, Alaska, the northernmost point in the United States, located above the Arctic Circle, will be 7 below zero. Zackenberg Station, Greenland, which is also north of the Arctic Circle, will be 11 below.

While there is no weather station on the summit of Mount Everest, you would certainly expect even the base camp would be colder than Chicago, given it’s at an elevation of more than 17,000 feet above sea level. No such luck. They’re expecting a high of 30 on Wednesday.

It's no wonder why they started using the term "climate change" instead of "global warming." This way they can just claim that any changes in the weather represent proof that there is an enormous crisis and the solution is to force White people to pay more taxes.

This whole thing is a gigantic scam and all the people who believe in it are retarded who should be seeing a mental health professional.


Al Gore: “the cold is the warming”

but what about that “hole in the ozone”? funny we never hear much about it anymore. apparently they fixed it in a few years by charging people $100.00 / can for R12. but no followups to show how the ozone hole has shrunken… i guess we’ll have to take the government’s word for it…


It will suck for a few days but it is supposed to be 40 degrees by Sat here in Chicago

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Luckily they updated it to “climate change”.


Notice that the sun is emitting less sunspots on the Sunspot Chart which may point to an overall cooling of the planet


“It’s no wonder why they started using the term ‘climate change’ instead of ‘global warming’”
I have been saying this for years. The term ‘climate change’ covers their asses either way. I think they changed it when they realized too many people noticed something was wrong with the narrative. Anyone who doesn’t believe in this scam is now a climate change ‘denier’ akin to someone who questions the holohoax. Folks, the climate has been changing since it all began. They counter this argument by saying there is a difference between ‘weather’ and ‘climate’. Weather meaning short term and climate meaning long term. But, when we get 100 year record lows they call it weather and that we are just in a cold ‘snap’, but when we get even one warmer day, it’s all about climate again. Just believe the opposite and you will be fine. Isn’t it funny how this whole thing has become like a religion that some ‘believe’ and some don’t. The real climatologists that say the earth’s temperatures have actually flattened out on average since the 40’s get buried and never get air time. And these asshole politicians like Trudeau and Gore , who ARE NOT climatologists, think a carbon tax is the answer. Answer for what? I have never had anyone able to explain that one to me. How exactly does paying more for my energy ‘fix’ the environment? Are people going to ditch their vehicles and walk or ride a bike to work? Not likely. And when you have 100 year record low temperatures, who isn’t simply going to turn up the thermostat? Of course as always they use the guilt complex on people and sell them the lie that climate change is their fault so now they need to pay more to fix it. This is nothing but a cash cow to line the pockets of bankers and politicians so they can pay for their promises due to the bankrupt system that they have intentionally created. This pisses me off so much that a great man like Tesla could have given us free, unlimited energy and instead they listened to the lying jew Einstein. And look how that turned out?


Love Trump’s Tweet this morning - can’t call it “Global Warming” any longer - it’s now call “Climate Change” - as I heard a lefty explain it - there are episodes where it’s colder than normal and hotter than normal - all caused by "human (specifically WHITE) activity.


“climate change” fear-mongers were on NPR saying that global warming is changing the earth’s magnetic fields. LMAO!

they also keep saying “sea level rise” which inexplicably only happens on remote islands and not Key West or Manhattan.

“the hole in the ozone” hoax was a test-case for their "Global Warming ruse.


Whenever I think about bitching about the cold I remember what these guys went through


yes, they went through hell and that super-cold Russian Winter is what turned the tide of the war against Germany. it was so cold the oil froze in the tanks and airplanes and the German soldiers had Spring clothing. wow… pull down your pants to crap and you’d freeze before you could get up.


ha! this is my favorite, it always shuts the debate down real fast, even a liberal can hear how silly they sound defending this point.


lol… yes, more proof that they are just mindlessly parroting the bullshit. whenever there’s a hurricane the fake news always says that the flooding will be worse because of “sea level rise”.

of course the “solution” to this problem is the suspension of the US constitution and a global carbon tax on every person with a house and car.


whatever happened to ‘acid rain’? that other fear mongering pile of crap…


Intredasting fact: C02 currently makes up 0.04% of our Atmosphere. During the time of the dinosaurs C02 made up approx 6% of the atmosphere. Was this because the dinosaurs drove really big SUV’s? Only science knows the answer to that question? Also the rat like mammals that are our ancestors evolved at that time of a C02 rich atmosphere. This is why modern mammals (like us) have a pool of C02 in our lungs to maintain the equivalent of our ancestral atmosphere and why the body has a highly sophisticated feedback mechanism to maintain this C02 balance. In fact over-breathing and low blood C02 can lead to a cascade of chronic health issues from asthma to heart disease and mental illness (maybe this is how meditation works, by slowing down the breath and balancing the autonomic system?).

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The real problem is that people stupidly built homes on hurricane prone areas like the barrier islands and back bays. They should be left in natural state so the mainland can be protected from wave energy by the dune systems, instead, they are kept maintained by army corps of engineers at taxpayer expenses so the rich can have their oceanfront homes protected.
All I trying g to refute that the insurance Jews say more and more billions dollars of real estate is damaged by “ever more powerful hurricanes” is simply not true. The fact is that more and more of the vulnerable land is developed and supported by ever rising home values along the shore, therefore “more damage” by the savage hurricanes that is supposedly fed by global warming.


good point about the jew insurance industry. they play along with global warming bullshit because they can then pick the pockets of the goyim via rate hikes. then the media touts insurance rate hikes to frighten the poor masses when in-fact it is they who subsidize oceanfront mansion insurance.


That’s was the yuge story here after hurricane Sandy hit here. Funny that the media coined the term “superstorm” to name the hurricane Sandy. They acted like it was the end of the world lol but like any shore town in usa that got hit, they rebuilt. I remember governor Christie pushed them so hard to have the boardwalk built and have it ready before Memorial weekend

There was a famous storm here in Uk several years ago: hurricane Bawbag. True.

lol… yes, and they always give the worst case scenario. when Irma came through, my mom was freaking out. i told her, "Mom: don’t worry, there is no storm surge in my area… “BUT THE NEWS SAYS THAT THE STORM SURGE WILL GO 12 MILES INLAND!!!”

hurricane bawbag…hurricane-bawbag-ballbag

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