Caravan of Taco Invaders Grows to 5,000

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The Mexican government has failed to stop this caravan of bean savages from crossing into their country. Many of them illegally crossed the Mexican border over a river. The caravan is now estimated to be around 5,000 with many more on the other side in Guatemala.


A growing throng of Central American migrants resumed their advance toward the U.S. border in southern Mexico on Sunday, overwhelming Mexican government attempts to stop them at the border.

Their numbers swelled to about 5,000 overnight and at first light they set out walking toward the Mexican town of Tapachula, 10 abreast in a line stretching approximately a mile (1.5 kilometers).

Several hundred more already had applied for refugee status in Mexico and an estimated 1,500 were still on the Guatemalan side of the Suchiate River, hoping to enter legally.

This whole situation is nuts. This is an organized Jewish operation designed to create a crisis right before the midterms. Somebody even provided these bean savages with road guard vests.

They think that by creating a crisis on the border that it will make Donald Trump look bad and cause people to vote for Democrats because of feelings or whatever.

This one bean monkey in a Washington Post clip actually admits that they are invading the United States.

Unless the Mexican government gets tough, it looks like Trump is going to have to deploy the military to deal with this. There’s no other option. We can’t let our country be overwhelmed with thousands of low IQ bean monkeys. This is an invading army. The individuals in these clips aren’t “refugees” they’re mostly young men.

This is a massive overplay by these Jews. No sane person thinks that this type of thing is normal. It’s only going to bring out more people to support Republicans. The midterm election has become a choice between sanity and insanity.


This is nothing but an obvious full scale invasion of our nation and these people should be met by force via the military.


Meanwhile, i dare one single gringo to invade meh-hee-coh and experience their hospitality in one of their jails.

Mexico is a hostile, enemy nation and they should be treated in such a way.
Can anyone reading this thread imagine what would be happening if whites were trafficking dangerous , lethal narcotics like heroin, meth and fentanyl to meh-hee-coh?
riiight , they’d be crying racism and oppression instantly and demanding that we pay for the damage we hoisted upon them…of course whitey would never dare make such a racist suggestion to beaner governments.





yes, BUT… what they are hoping for is VIOLENCE so that the jew media can attack Trump and the Republicans. Imagine if some poor, innocent children get killed seeking a better life in America. this is the plan so Trump has got to be very careful.

what i would do is have the military set up long strands of razor wire along the border backed-up by mace-cannons. but the response will be to send the children in first as shields. this is going to be dicey…


Isn’t it like 2,000 miles from Mexico’s southern border to the Rio Del Norte? That’s quite a distance for those squatemalans to march. Who is paying for their food and lodging? Who is paying for their replacement shoes and clothing? The Mexicans aren’t exactly known for their hospitality or their generosity, especially towards Central Americans.

But the biggest question I have is how much Trump will pussy out on us this time?


It’s so weird how Canadians and Americans love to go to Mexico for a vacation meanwhile their own citizens can’t wait to get out and come up here. Makes no sense to me.


The UN and Soros know how to play the moron masses. they know that this will play into Trumps’ hand so have planned a false-flag shooting of the migrant children just around voting day which will likely be blamed on Right Wing militia, Trump Supporter Nazis.

I would like a strong show of force. It would deter others from coming here. So what if a dozen or so get shot trying to invade, serves themselves right. We have plenty of LEGAL ways to become a citizen and you dont have to break the law. I would like those legal means ended also btw.

Tourists visit the “nice” areas of Mexico, like Acapulco and Cancun. But even those places are getting over-run with violent beaner savagery.

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