Caravan Beaner Army Storms Mexico's Border

Originally published at:

So the caravan beaner army from Central American shitholes has arrived at Mexico’s southern border. Mexican security forces have tried to keep them from entering their country but some have reportedly managed to breakthrough the border.

Here are some clips showing the madness.

Clearly, this an orchestrated effort to make Donald Trump look bad before the midterms. Are we really supposed to believe that thousands of these brown savages just randomly decided to start walking up to the United States in such a coordinated fashion? And just weeks before the United States midterm election? They’re getting compensated to make the journey and there have been vehicles provided to transport them along the way.

This footage posted by Representative Matt Gaetz offers visual evidence that this whole thing has been staged.

It’s also very possible that millions of dollars have been spent on this.

The people involved with engineering this need to be arrested for violating human trafficking laws. It’s a virtual guarantee that there are all sorts of connections to non-governmental organizations and Jews like George Soros.


Mexico is very scared of being cut off from Gibs


Gringos can buy property and move to Mexico but BY LAW are not allowed to work there because it takes jobs away from the natural born citizens. ironic ain’t it?


Well well well…What do we have here…




Trump knows who’s funding this insanity but pretends not to. Say it, Donald! “GEORGE SOROS”.

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Someone on Gab suggested that many of the invaders are from Squatemala and that Trump agreed to accept them in return for Squatemala moving its Israeli embassy to Jewrusalem. Does this sound plausible?

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"Say it, Donald! “GEORGE SOROS”

After researching, I found each of these groups are financially supported by Soros and organized by Jew Lawyers. Even the Catholic Legal Immigration Network (CLIN) gets legal support from Jew Lawyers…

“The caravan is organized by a group called Pueblo Sin Fronteras, which is supported by the coalition **CARA Family Detention Pro Bono Project, which includes Catholic Legal Immigration Network (CLIN), the American Immigration Council (AIC), the Refugee and Immigration Center for Education and Legal Services (RICELS) and the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) – thus the acronym CARA,” WND reported. “At least three of the four groups are funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation.”


We can’t pin the blame for these repeated mud invasions exclusively on Uncle Shmuli, there are plenty of Christian charities in on this racket as well.


Absolutely Spahn. I will spare you the long list of Christian Church organizations funneling cash and resources in support of these invaders. But yeah, you’re right.


I watched the video of these savages fighting to break through the Mexico/Guatemala border. Perhaps only Fox was willing to show that video because if any reasonable person saw it, they would ask something so simple: ‘why does anyone want these uncivilised people to come here?’

It’s a good red pill.