Car Loan Delinquencies on the Rise Across the Country

Originally published at: Car Loan Delinquencies on the Rise Across the Country |

Many are struggling to pay their automobile loans across the country.

The number of people behind on their car payments has been approaching prepandemic levels.

Industry analysts worry the trend is going to continue into 2023 with economists expecting unemployment to rise and inflation to remain high.

— NBC News (@NBCNews) December 17, 2022

People in the car industry are noticing this and predicting mass defaults and car repossessions in 2023.

This morning I discovered something *extremely* alarming happening in the car market, specifically in auto lending.

I'm now convinced that there is a massive wave of car repossessions coming in 2023.

Here's what I discovered (and what no one knows):

— CarDealershipGuy (@GuyDealership) December 16, 2022

Despite this, we are being told that the economy is doing great. If the economy was doing great people wouldn’t be falling behind on automobile loans like this.

Looks like 2023 is going to be a big year for the repo industry. If you want to know what the repo industry is like, you should check out the 1984 documentary film Repo Man. It’s the best movie on the car repossession business ever made. It accurately documents how being a repo man is more than just a job and it is actually an adventure. I learned a lot by watching it. Very informative.


Not only a big year for the repo industry - but a huge year for used car sales as well, many high end.

I’d like to know who each and every one of those people voted for who are defaulting on their loans - ruining their credit even further. If they voted for Biden or any other Democrat, they deserve what is coming to them, in full.

Any POCs that default will immediately scream racism - and that they were given car loans the lenders knew they couldn’t pay.

Homes are next…


That is when Jews will swoop in and buy up homes in foreclosure for pennies on the dollar - just as they did in the Weimar Republic.

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