Calls to Reinvade Afghanistan Surge

Originally published at: Calls to Reinvade Afghanistan Surge |

As expected, we are seeing all sorts of calls to reinvade Afghanistan from various ZOG scum and media personalities.

Leon Panetta who was Secretary of Defense under Barry Obama is calling for a new invasion of the country to go after ISIS.

Todd Starnes is saying we have to play “hardball” with evil.

If you do not threaten the Taliban with this sort of language, the killing will continue. Gotta play hard ball with evil.

— toddstarnes (@toddstarnes) August 26, 2021

Lindsey Graham wants us to take back Bagram air base.

The retaking of Bagram would put our military at risk, but I think those involved in the operation would gladly accept that risk because it would restore our honor as a nation and save lives.

— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) August 26, 2021

Dan Crenshaw is quoting bible verses to make people think that Jesus would support a reinvasion of Afghanistan.

Vets right now:

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”

And I said, “Here am I. Send me.”

Isaiah 6:8

— Dan Crenshaw (@DanCrenshawTX) August 26, 2021

Gorka the orca is demanding that the dead American soldiers be avenged.

— Sebastian Gorka DrG (@SebGorka) August 27, 2021

I can only imagine what else is being posted on social media. These people are utterly insane and delusional.

The war is over. You guys lost. Deal with it.

What the Afghanistan fiasco has shown is that the American empire is in serious decline. It is beyond the point of repair. The idea that we can reinvade Afghanistan is outright lunacy. The Afghan population did not support the Zionist project of feminism, gay anal sex and trannies. If they did, the Taliban would not have been able to take back the country.

These people calling for a reinvasion are either totally compromised or have no grasp on reality.


Yeah, always safe to say that when it isn’t YOU or your loved ones who will be on the front lines, right Cranshaw, you freaking idiot.

Let Panetta, Gorka, Graham - and anyone else who thinks it’s a good idea for you to sacrifice your children to ZOG - be the first ones on the front lines.


The Russians must be having a real laugh watching this.


Exactly. If they want to fight for gay poop sex, trannies, feminism and Israel than they should go over to Afghanistan themselves.


I’m sure they are. I’m laughing at it myself. Even with trillions of dollars spent and the world’s most advanced weaponry at their disposal, these fools couldn’t vanquish a bunch of bearded cave dwellers with AK-47s riding around in old Toyota pickup trucks. So much for winning over the hearts and minds of the Afghan people with their gay anal agenda.


I agree, and with that creepy senile “Sniffer In Chief” leading the charge, “briefing” coxing him with chocolate chip ice cream and pools full of little children to sniff and stroke his blonde hairy legs then pointing him in the right direction . . . .


Just wondering . . do you think there will be cake?



Imagine a war with Russia or even China , it’s not even worth thinking about.

The US have left the Taliban with over 80 billion dollars of weapons, they’re better off now than they were before the invasion and they’ve still got the lithium business to make a fortune from with China.


I was reading somewhere that on paper they now have more military capabilities than some small European countries thanks to all the abandoned US weaponry and gear.

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Wonder if this withdrawal was related to this??

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