Calls Grow for Second Special Counsel to Investigate the DOJ/FBI

Originally published at: Calls Grow for Second Special Counsel to Investigate the DOJ/FBI |

There’s renewed calls for a second special counsel to be appointed in order to investigate the chicanery at the Department of Justice and the FBI. It’s looking like high level people in the Obama regime planted at least one spy inside the Trump presidential campaign for political purposes.

Jim Jordan and Matt Gaetz talked about the situation on Sean Hannity’s show tonight.

The Jew Rod Rosenstein has referred all this insanity to the Inspector General who just so happens to be another Jew. This is meant to slow walk the process. The IG can’t prosecute anybody and can’t interview people who are no longer working inside the government.

We need a non-Jew to lead a special counsel to investigate this entire mess. We also need Rosenstein removed from office. He’s obviously involved in this conspiracy and has been covering up what happened.

And WTF has Jeff Sessions been doing? He’s like the invisible man. This has been a conspiracy to hoax a conspiracy against Trump from the start. Anybody looking at this situation honestly can see that this is what transpired. A second special counsel is absolutely needed. It’s blatantly obvious that the Department of Justice and FBI can’t be trusted to investigate themselves.

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