California to Give Illegal Aliens Free Health Insurance

Originally published at: California to Give Illegal Aliens Free Health Insurance |

America continues to become a bigger joke by the day. Take in point how California is going to provide free health insurance to illegal aliens starting in 2024. They are doing this even though the state has an enormous amounts of debt.

California is projected to be $68 billion in debt to start 2024.

On January 1st, California will offer health insurance to illegal immigrants for free.

— Watcher.Guru (@WatcherGuru) December 30, 2023

California also has homeless zombie niggers and drug addicts roaming around in their cities along with all sorts of very severe social problems. Instead of dealing with these immediate issues, they are going to give more money to illegal alien invaders courtesy of the taxpayers.

There are no longer any real benefits to being an American citizen. It means nothing. In fact, if you are of European racial stock in America you are treated the worst. The government takes huge percentages of your earnings only to give it to invaders. This as infrastructure collapses and decays. You aren’t even allowed to defend yourself from being attacked by niggers without being called a racist. This whole Jewish system needs to be destroyed.


All because the jews were allowed in. Then they gave everything away to nonWhites. (((democracy)))


I have no healthcare… the invaders always did get free healthcare. they’d just show up in the emergency room, give the hospital a fake name and ring up a big bill. The Florida Mexicans who owned the home I bought rang up half a million in debt before leaving. So you can estimate the cost of harboring these sub-human invaders by multiplying .5million by however many millions are flooding in.


The invaders come here and get free healthcare, social security besides other benefits while citizens have to pay and put money into SS before they can collect at 62. They also bring in diseases that were once eradicated. When will we say enough is enough?

Now this…

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So California’s already total shit healtcare can become even more shitty. Already the waiting rooms are full of illegals, homeless, niggers, tranny junkies, that just hang out there, reeking of piss and shit… the whole waiting room is full… you won’t get to see anybody behind this huge line of human feces…
The dentists there are too scared to give you treatment because of all the meth-heads coming there, since novicaine can kill people on meth apparently… goood luck even getting an appointment within a year for anything… this will for sure all get much worse, great plan Newsom.
Newsom the nigger loving, wildfire causing, healthcare destroying, mentally ill neo-boomer / boomer wanna be, PIECE OF SHIT white traitor JACKASS Biden 2.0.

These scams have been going on for years. In the early 90’s, it was Guatemalens and other Central Americans in California using four or five different names, running up credit, then heading off back home with all the televisions and other goods, sometimes in stolen vehicles. They show up a few years later under different names and repeat the scam.


lol… yes and that scam is ongoing and increasing in frequency. The Banks are still specifically courting Hispanic invaders for loans despite their fraudulent track record.

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