California is Literally Burning to the Ground

Originally published at: California is Literally Burning to the Ground |

It would appear as if the entire state of California is burning to the ground. Huge wildfires have destroyed celebrity homes in Malibu and a wildfire up north called the “Camp Fire” is fucking all sorts of shit up.

The town of Paradise, California has been totally destroyed.

It’s weird that they’re calling the northern wildfire the “Camp Fire” but apparently it is being called that because it started in a place called Camp Creek Road.

It’s a bad situation no doubt, but the people of California have mocked the natural order of things by doing insane things like promoting full trannyism and voting for Hillary Clinton. This appears to be God’s punishment. Hopefully these wildfires burn down the cities of San Francisco and Los Angeles. They’re basically modern day representations of Sodom and Gomorrah. It would certainly represent a big improvement for the state if both of these cities were to be burned to the ground. Or if not that, the cities were destroyed in a nuclear holocaust as depicted in the 1991 movie Terminator 2.


look at those multi-million dollar, tinder-box homes build on stilts so that they can get an ocean-front view. they had to pile-up tons of boulders to keep the Pacific Ocean from undermining their pier & beam construction. lol… rich liberals have no common sense and their hypocrisy is maddening. my “carbon footprint” is about 1/1000 of theirs and now insurance is going to have to pay to rebuild their mansions. how much more can the earth take from these environmentalists?

on the up-side, the illegals will get a lot of work.

notice that the only structure remaining is a steel shed…the trend on the souther coasts is to build hurricane resistant homes. it would make sense to build fire-resistant homes in california. in Florida all new homes are built with a hurricane resistance to avoid such widespread disaster. why then didn’t California require that homes be built to withstand wildfires? it’s just common sense. and Jerry Brown is blaming this on “global warming” when it’s clearly liberal foolishness.


It’s only starting to really take effect after the last disasters. A lot of houses are still standing which are not built to the newer codes.

here’s a good write-up on this fire. apparently they didn’t have any early warning system in-place for the residence of Paradise. they got surrounded by fire and their fate was sealed. it’s kind of hard to believe that this can happen in this day and age of mass communication.

Truly hilarious because California is so poorly managed yet nobody wants to admit fault. I feel like taking videos of the fire and adding laugh tracks, along with videos of the politicians passing ridiculous bills.

there’s nothing to laugh about here. many of those who were burned alive were not leftist trash. they were ordinary white folks who loved their animals et… here’s one example. this guy actually stayed and miraculously saved his home and animals. the guy is a fucking rock.