Brown Guy With Swastika Flag Crashes Uhaul Near White House

Originally published at: Brown Guy With Swastika Flag Crashes Uhaul Near White House |

A brown guy with a swastika flag in a Uhaul truck crashed the truck into a barricade outside the White House. The Jew media has been going nuts about this incident to hype the non-existent threat of Nazis. Apparently brown people are the new Nazis.

Our last white supremacist was a Mexican guy who posted on a Russian social media site nobody's ever heard of about being a Nazi and a fan of big conservative influencers.

Our newest one is a brown guy who crashed an empty uhaul into the White House barricade and the only thing…

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) May 23, 2023

You’re telling me someone drove a Uhaul with nothing but a Nazi flag in it, tried to ram it into the White House, got stuck on a curb, then the police spread out the flag on the pavement so the media can get it in the shot…

The Left needed a narrative change. They got it.

— Clandestine (@WarClandestine) May 23, 2023

The "news" is stating that a guy took a large Uhaul truck and tried to ram through the barriers around the White House. They're also saying the only thing in the large truck was a NAZI (socialist) flag.

Do with that information what you will…#whitehouse #uhaul

— Mrgunsngear (@Mrgunsngear) May 23, 2023

I have no idea what the hell is going on with this, but it looks and sounds like the worst false flag attack in the history of false flag attacks.

Why would anybody be riding around in a truck with just a swastika flag? It is also really convenient how the cops placed the flag in front of the truck so the media could take all sorts of photos of it.

Talk about a really stupid and dumb incident.


The feds are getting sloppy with their false flags and hoaxes. Notice the “Nazi” flag was well placed and not wrinkled?

The jew media is calling the PajeetWaffen a “White” supremacist. The feds can’t find any White supremacists so they make them up.

Wait until they use the ammonium nitrate stolen and blame it on Whites.


The driver’s real name is, Shlomo Finkelstein.


One way or another, Shlomo is involved.


Gee, he must have really stood out in his Nazi uniform at his local chapter of White Supremacists.

Media were sure quick to lay out that Nazi flag on the road - while avoiding naming the driver until 24 hours later - to make sure The Narrative was firmly in place…



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