Britain First Leader Paul Golding Attacked in Prison

Originally published at: Britain First Leader Paul Golding Attacked in Prison |

The leader of Britain First who was recently put in prison for saying mean words about Moslems, was just attacked in prison.


Police are investigating reports the leader of the far-right group Britain First was beaten up in prison – exactly a week after he was jailed for hate crimes.

Paul Golding, 36, was allegedly attacked by two inmates at HMP Elmley, on the Isle of Sheppey, Kent, according to sources.

Golding is now believed to have been separated from other inmates at the category C prison by being moved to another unit.

Kent police confirmed they were investigating a report of an assault at the prison between 4.15pm and 4.30pm on Wednesday.

The force said it did not confirm the identity of those involved, but added: “The victim is alleged to have been punched by two other inmates, causing him to suffer minor facial injuries.

It is safe to assume that he was purposefully put around Moslems so this very thing would happen.

The UK is such a mess. They put people in prison for thought crimes but brown subhuman monkeys are pretty much allowed to rape and kill people. The British government is filled with cowardly traitors who do the bidding of Jewish interests. That’s the only reason why any of this insane shit has been allowed to happen.


Is it funny that where free speech started it also dies there. I truly want to know what changed in the British soul to allow them to take your free speech. My thoughts are this all started with holocaust denial laws and the jews used that legal precident to shut down the rest.


Golding reportedly had his nose broken in the attack.

He and Fransen were jailed for “religiously aggravated harassment”, i.e., saying mean words about aliens of a different religion who should never have been allowed into the country. They were alleged to have targeted “innocent members of the public” in their campaign against pedophiles.

Meanwhile, we have childless women like Theresa May and clowns like Boris Johnson accusing Putin and the Russians of poisoning a Russian double agent, when the accused are almost certainly innocent, and the poisoning - if it ever happened - was almost certainly perpetrated by MI6, MI5 or Jews.

You can falsely accuse a patriotic Muslim leader of having WMD and use it as the pretext to invade and trash his nation, or you can prod a nuclear-armed state and increase the risk of WWIII. Yet when it comes to speaking out against mass immigration, population replacement, pedophilia and terrorism, free speech goes out the window.



On a related note:

Let’s hope these words fell on responsive ears.


@DrTeapot The video on your link is best for hearing Tommy Robinson reading out Martin Sellner’s speech.

To see the audience response, and to hear onlookers commentating and even police chatting, see this 1 hr 20 min replay of a live stream.

A loud cheer starts at 25:36, but there is too much noise to hear much from Robinson, except for some parts such as around 40:00.

The crowd can frequently be heard singing “Tommy Robinson” (e.g., at 38:20) to the tune of Son of My Father by Chicory Tip, a no. 1 hit in 1972.

A little fighting is going on around 29:30.

At 52:36 one of the onlookers is asked why he was there, and he predicts that in another ten years this will be regarded as a turning point. However, they suggest that it’s a form of conspiracy linked to Saudi oil, and don’t mention the Jews. At least, they’ve got up to where I was, more than 15 years ago.

Next, they should research how long and how much fuel it takes to cremate a body, divide 51 tons of coke consumed per month by 30 to 48 kg of coke required per body, multiply 1,060 to 1,700 bodies per month by 34 months and compare with claims of 1.1 million to 9 million dead in 34 months.

Or find the melting point of structural steel with a maximum sulfur content of 0.05% and maximum carbon content of 0.3%, such as that used in constructing the World Trade Center (at least 1,426 °C or 2,600 °F), and look up the maximum upper layer gas temperatures in compartment fires (peaks of around 1,000 °C for 20 minutes or so as local combustibles are consumed, decreasing to closer to 500 °C for most of the time, as agreed by NIST), and compare with reports of partly evaporated steel at the WTC, etc…

Or better yet, start looking into which group has been kicked out by the native population on over 100 occasions. Start investigating why it keeps happening. And ask why, whenever there is any sort of scandal or disaster, as soon as you start scratching below the surface, a Jew almost invariably surfaces.


Fun fact: Edward Longshanks from the movie Braveheart expelled the Jews from England. And they only returned 350 years later after Dutch Jews financed Oliver Cromwell and his revolution.

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