Brazil: Trial Run for Right-Wing Death Squads

Originally published at: Brazil: Trial Run for Right-Wing Death Squads |

The election of Jair Bolsonaro as Brazil’s next leader is already yielding some interesting results. The Governor-Elect of Rio de Janeiro has promised to deploy sharpshooters who will have a license to kill criminals. It appears as if this will be a sort of trial run for a larger roll out.


Teams of marksmen next year will patrol swaths of Rio de Janeiro with high-powered weapons and a license to kill, said a security adviser to Governor-elect Wilson Witzel.

As many as 120 sharpshooters will accompany police incursions into the slums of Brazil’s postcard city to exterminate gun-toting criminals, according to Flavio Pacca, a longtime associate of Witzel who the governor-elect’s press office said will join the administration. The shooters will work in pairs -- one to pull the trigger, one to monitor conditions and videotape deaths.

“The protocol will be to immediately neutralize, slaughter anyone who has a rifle,” Witzel, a federal judge and former Brazilian marine, told reporters in Brasilia on Dec. 12. “Whoever has a rifle isn’t worried about other people’s lives, they’re ready to eliminate anyone who crosses their path. This is a grave problem, not just in Rio de Janeiro, but also in other states.”

Rio has long exemplified Brazil’s charm and its chaos, and what happens there echoes at home and abroad. Like President-elect Jair Bolsonaro, Witzel cruised to victory in October promising a brutal crackdown on criminals who make daily life a harrowing ordeal. Rio will be a proving ground for Bolsonaro’s philosophy of maximum force -- and whether law enforcement devolves into a storm of extrajudicial killings.

Quite honestly, this is the only way you can govern a population that contains an enormous amount number of low IQ savages. You have to impose extreme and immediate punishments in order to change their behavior.

It is safe to assume that once this campaign proves successful, you will see it replicated throughout the country.

Keep in mind, Brazil is a preview of what the United States will become if the demographic direction of our country is not reversed. The big problem is not necessarily the lack of White people but all the black and brown sludge that has flooded in.


Does anyone have the ‘join your local right wing death squad’ meme? I lost mine when I accidentally deleted my meme stash a year ago…:weary:

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@bigjim71 Here, you try these - you like, eh?

Death%20squad%20sign death%20squad


Yeh, I like. But the one I really miss is it’s like a truck with rows of brutal and dark looking heartless militaristic figures ready to go do some proper mopping up… I lost so many priceless memes in that deleting disaster.

Let me see…a lot of junk here in the basement…Saved by the Bell, Season 3 on VHS…an old issue of High Times…OK, here it is!

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Brilliant! I knew one of you would have it somewhere. Thanks! :grin:

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LOL… it’s going to be on youtube next to the Somali pirates getting blasted.

agreed, they must be killed. what a shame that it will never happen in US Ghettos which are now lawless no-go zones.

WN in America needs to be kick-started out of its deep coma and then fed a steady diet of headline grabbing events…