Brandon Entity Proposes $6.8 Trillion Budget

Originally published at: Brandon Entity Proposes $6.8 Trillion Budget |

So the Brandon regime is proposing a $6.8 trillion budget for 2024.

JUST IN – Biden proposes a $6.8 trillion budget for 2024, which would add $1.8 trillion to next year's deficit.

— (@disclosetv) March 9, 2023

I can only imagine what is in the budget. Probably endless amounts of money for Jewish wars and all sorts of gay faggot shit.

This insane spending is going to collapse this fraudulent Jewish economic system at some point. There are already major cracks forming everywhere you see.

Reportedly they want to tax “wealthy” people whatever that means.

MORE – Bloomberg reports that Biden also wants to hike income, corporate, and capital gains taxes for wealthy Americans in his budget proposal.

— (@disclosetv) March 9, 2023

Whatever it means, you can be assured that it won’t hurt the billionaires.

I also have zero faith that House Republicans will stand up to any of this. They never have before, so why would they now?

I’m just going to keep stacking gold and silver as these assholes devalue the dollar into worthlessness.


I suspect middle class and lower people will be targeted by the IRS. They didn’t hire all those new agents for nothing.


Well, here’s the important part:

Daily News:

President’s new budget mentions ‘equity’ 63 times, ‘transgender’ eight times and ‘queer’ seven times

He wants to play Robin Hood with little to no understand of how economies work.

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You can be sure Jews are doing this - as they did before the Weimar Republic hyper inflation - used gold to buy up properties from starving, desperate people for a fraction of their price and worth.

They’ll do the same in the U.S. as the economy collapses.

But they’ll tell you “gold is a worthless, trash investment” (I’ve heard Jew financial reporters actually say this).

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Trump didn’t…

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I suspect the price for gold and silver is being artifially held down. How is silver not going up as the economy gets worse and worse?


excellent point…

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