Border Patrol is Destroying Water and Food Caches Left for Invaders

Originally published at: Border Patrol is Destroying Water and Food Caches Left for Invaders |

No agua! lol

Lots of tears are being shed over the U.S. Border Patrol destroying water and food caches that have been left for invaders.

Daily Mail:

U.S. Border Patrol has been accused of causing the deaths of hundreds of migrants a year by destroying food and water supplies left for them in the brutal Arizona desert by humanitarian groups.

On Wednesday, two humanitarian groups released a report, detailing how they've distributed more than 31,000 gallons of water along dangerous migrant paths in the Arizona desert between 2012 and 2015.

In that time frame, they say volunteers have found these stashes of food and water destroyed 415 times - or about two times a week on average.

lol at how they're trying to blame the U.S. Border Patrol for this. The invaders themselves are to blame for thinking that it's OK to illegally enter a country without permission. They're also dumb to think that crossing the desert without proper supplies is a good idea.

Leaving supplies for these invaders just encourages more of these bean monkeys to invade the country. Such things should not be happening. These so-called humanitarian groups should be prosecuted for encouraging human trafficking. If not that, I’m sure there’s some other law they could accuse them of violating.

This is solid work the U.S. Border Patrol is doing. There is definitely some room for improvement however. My colleague Adrian Sol over at the Daily Stormer made a very good suggestion. In addition to destroying these water and food caches, the U.S. Border Patrol should leave water and food caches contaminated with poison. This in my view would greatly discourage future attempts by these bean savages to invade America.



I’m willing to bet most of the water and food caches are being left by cucked whites and jew groups like HIAS. Any takers?

I hope the beaners come back thirsty and hungry only to find their food and water destroyed. There’s only one realistic way to stop these 3rd world parasites from entering this nation, and that is to build a wall with electric fences and guard towers with snipers