Boat Full of African Niggers Invade Spanish Beach Again

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Boats filled with low IQ African niggers keep invading Spain and nothing is being done about it.

The video shown below is just the most recent example of this phenomenon.

Here’s another clip from a month ago.

And here’s another clip from 2017.

Don’t the Spanish have naval forces or a coast guard to deal with this nigger invasion? It’s time to start sinking these boats with machine gun fire. A few well trained men with semi-automatic rifles could easily sink these boats. That’s literally the only way to deter these niggers from continuing their invasion.

Spain needs to get smart and at minimum begin adopting the same policies that Italy now has. Italy has done a good job of solving their nigger invasion problem. Spain can do the same thing, they just need the will to do it.


Another shitload of niggers arriving at European shores. Those pictures always causing pain in my stomach.

This insanity must end. They are not wanted here and must be saluted with machinegun fire…


The video clips look like the D-Day invasion only with niggers.


This comment has been censored, due to the graphic nature of what should be done to the leaders of spain for allowing this to happen.


Where the fuck is the Spanish army? This is what armies are for, to protect borders and repel invaders. Do they even have an army? Do Spanish taxpayers ike feeding and housing african primates? Fuck Spain if they don’t care enough about their own citizens to defend them from the African zombie hordes. Perhaps the army is having a siesta or is off on sensitivity training.


Absolutely ridiculous!

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this is a real-life, Twilight Zone.


These invaders will prove more destructive than any army. Sickening!


In 1588 the Spanish had an Armada, although they failed in their attempt to overthrow England’s Protestant Queen Elizabeth I. Only around half of their 130 ships managed to limp back to Spain.

You would have thought that after 430 years, they would have prepared themselves to deal with a few African invaders coming on inflatable boats. And after all that time the British should not have given up their ability to repel the aliens.

Sadly, ongoing invasions and the inevitable crime and terrorism that results is now all perceived as “part and parcel” of modern society.


incredibly, it’s the Brits and Europeans themselves who welcome this invasion. just like here in the USA. one MILLION Jigaboos from Haiti now infest Florida. They are ineducable, marble-mouthed SAVAGES. Their monkey offspring now go to school with smart white kids and you can BET that they get their grades massaged by the liberals in the school system. " LOOK-EY MOMMA!.. I’Z A COLL-AGE GRAD-EEATE! " … then they use their affirmative action trump-card to take jobs away from qualified whites.


It’s incredible and ridiculous, once you see it for what it is. But the parasite acts to prevent its host from repelling foreign invading entities.

And the parasite can condition its host to lose its natural fear of being killed or exterminated, whether it’s done directly by biological alteration of brain tissue, or by mass media brainwashing such as emotive pictures of a drowned infant migrant on the beach.


Yes, but on D-Day our grandfathers knew how to deal with the invaders and gave them hell.
They shredded them with machine guns and mortars…

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