Blimp of Terrorist Mayor Sadiq Khan to Fly in London

Originally published at: Blimp of Terrorist Mayor Sadiq Khan to Fly in London |

After a bunch of goons flew a “baby Trump” blimp in the skies of London, there is now an effort underway to do the same thing to the terrorist mayor of London Sadiq Khan.

Daily Mail:

London mayor Sadiq Khan says people are welcome to look at a giant balloon mocking him in a yellow bikini which will fly over Parliament Square this weekend.

Organiser Yanny Bruere claims crime in the capital has sky rocketed 'to unprecedented levels' under the mayor's leadership and the balloon design recalls his decision to ban an Underground advert of a model in 2016.

But Mr Khan told ITV London: 'If people want to spend their Saturday looking at me in a yellow bikini they're welcome to do so, I don't really think yellow's my colour, though.'

He allowed a similar blimp of Donald Trump to fly over the capital during the US president's visit last month.

Khan is an Islamic terrorist who has infiltrated and taken over the British capital city. While it is fine to mock him, he really needs to be arrested and put in prison.

Crime and terrorism has skyrocketed with Khan in charge of the city which is exactly his plan. He is allowing his monkey terrorist friends to run wild and this is not an acceptable situation.

We need a White man put in charge of London to cleanse the city of all the brown and black nigger terrorist filth that is infesting the streets.


Its hard to think of a “Manly” man from England. When someone as effeminate as PJW can be a Brit Bad Boy you know your country is sunk.


What the hell did they think would happen electing a muzzie?


PJW looks like the lead singer of a Depesche Mode cover band.


The situation in the UK is so laughably absurd that it’s difficult to believe White Britons are going to go extinct because of it. In spite of everything I don’t think they will go extinct, at least not like this.


Am intreaged to kno who PJW is… wrackin ma braen here… :slight_smile:

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yeah, and PJW keeps calling, JEW-SCUM, Soros “a white guy”.


And, leftist hypocrisy starts in 3…2…1…


owin jones is a total faggit.


THIS is why I ask Wehrmacht veterans for their autographs.

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Smug as a commie bug. Looks like some beta bitch who got pants alot in school.

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